3 Popular Tornado Myths that Deserve a Tag of Fiction

A mystical phenomenon that keeps homeowners scared and hopeless is tornadoes. Its terrifying nature persuades people in OKC to consider tornado shelters for protection. Although safety is essential in these devastating situations, a few myths keep individuals from the facts. These rumors give an unnecessary boost to mental chaos and hence need exposure. As you get to know these, you can do away with the additional stress these myths intend to exaggerate.

People start looking for the best protective measures whenever the stormy atmosphere begins to intensify in OKC. Some may invest time and money in reliable safety rooms, whereas others take worry too seriously. The latter group is likelier to believe in rumors that keep doing the rounds. And that’s dangerous for you and your loved ones if you belong to that group. Freeing yourself from these lies and thinking about practical solutions is crucial.

Tornado Out-Driving is a Possibility

People may deviate from reality by believing in this popular tornado myth. It is never safe to outdrive tornadoes as they might lift or blow over your car.

Safety Tip: You may notice tornado formation while driving. In such instances, safely park your car and get inside a sturdy building. The ultimate solution is to install tornado shelters to maximize your family’s protection.

You Can Spot a Tornado Properly

True! But not always true! Sometimes it can be challenging to see a tornado because of the nearby clouds or rain. Tune out the myth talks and tune into a radio or a TV channel. That’s the best way to stay alert to danger.

A tornado warning implies the indication of a tornado by weather radar, requiring you to take immediate shelter. On the other hand, a tornado watch hints at the possibility of tornado formation. While in an emergency, follow the instructions of your emergency management officials.

The Basement’s Southwest Corner is the Safest

One shouldn’t expect tornadoes to be direction specific. They can approach anywhere without any warning sign. It’s wise to stay away from the windows and walls.

The Safety Message in Our Final Words

Once you are out of the “myth lane,” the next step is considering tornado shelter installation. EF5 Tornado Shelters can help you and your loved ones obtain maximum protection from severe weather. Our professionals pay special attention to rapid installation and customer satisfaction needs. Furthermore, you can reach us via our contact page or visit our showroom.