3 Severe-Weather Safety Tips to Save Your Life

It doesn’t matter where you live, if you’re a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to ensure the safety of your loved ones. Most of us know where we should go or what we have to do when an imminent weather arrives. If you live in an area prone to tornadoes, you may need an underground storm shelter. It’s specially designed to protect you from the harshness of Mother Nature. If you don't have a safe room inside your house, you can consider putting one inside. And the safest way to start the process is to hire a trusted tornado safety company.

When you get the news of a tornado coming, you can simply head towards a basement or a safe room inside your house. But there are some important tips that could save you and your loved one’s life. Here are some of them:

  • Driving through the flooded road is strictly prohibited. You may not know how deep the water level is. If your vehicle starts to float, you will surely control. During this time, try to find another route rather than risking your life.

  • If you think once the severe weather passes, the sky will be clear and we’re done for the day, it’s not that simple. Sometimes there could be multiple sessions in a single day. If the National Weather Service doesn’t clear your area after a single round of tornado with thunderstorm, there’s a possibility of another round.

  • Do you think you can easily hear a tornado siren? No, you’re wrong. Sometimes it’s hard to hear when you’re inside your home. Sirens are especially for those who are outdoors. It’s important to pay attention to the latest watches and warnings and listen to the radio for weather updates. If you live in Oklahoma and don’t have an underground storm shelter, you can consider visiting a tornado safe room early.

Call in EF5 Tornado Shelters

When it comes to protecting your loved ones from a severe weather strike, you need a trusted shelter. EF5 Tornado shelters offer Oklahoma’s best aboveground and underground shelters. Hite the best to stay safe and secure.