3 Ways Above-ground Storm Shelters Are Better

Tornadoes are unpredictable. Clear skies in the tornado alley can often be misleading. Tornadoes can strike anywhere, anytime, and ravage everything in their path. As a result, storm shelters have become something of a necessity. Even more so in places like OKC.

Depending on the location and purpose, there are two different types of storm shelters - below-ground and above-ground storm shelters. Although both types of shelters do their job fairly well while providing safety and security to your family, in certain situations, it is better to install an above-ground shelter. Here are some reasons you should choose an above-ground shelter over an underground one.

Above-ground Storm Shelters Are Resistant to Flooding

Tornadoes are frequently accompanied by thunderstorms. The torrential downpours brought about by thunderstorms can cause flooding in certain vulnerable regions after the tornado has passed.

An underground storm shelter has the disadvantage of perhaps flooding if it rains heavily enough. Flooding can render subterranean shelters ineffective and dangerous. In this situation, above-ground shelters can shield you from both the tornado and flooding. They provide an additional defense against blustery winds and heavy downpours.

Being Above-Ground, There Is No Risk of Getting Buried

With growing intensity, tornadoes can uproot trees, toss around cars, and destroy homes. A tornado reduces everything to unrecognizable rubble. In fact, it’s usually so bad you wouldn’t even be able to tell if a town existed or not before the tornado hit.

Although an underground bunker could be able to shield you from the storm, you could still end up buried beneath the rubble of the devastated region. Above-ground storm shelters are constructed to make them difficult to uproot. You won’t be stranded underground.

These Come Pre-built and Offer Easy Installation

Above-ground storm shelters are not only about better protection, but they are also relatively more accessible than their subterranean counterparts. Underground shelters are not even portable. Above-ground ones, on the other hand, are so much easier to install. You can even get it towed with you if you are moving homes, and the fact that they come pre-built expedites the installation process.

Ensure Your Safety When Severe Weather Strikes

Understand that storm shelters are a necessity, not a luxury. We proudly provide first responder, military, and veteran discounts as the top storm shelter provider in Edmond and Oklahoma City for the past four years in order to protect those who have protected us. EF5 Tornado Shelters offers excellent, FEMA-approved shelters. Reach out to us via our website today!