4 Ways You Can Prepare Your Kids for a Tornado (without Scaring Them)

The United States of America sees an absurd number of tornadoes every year, more so than any other country in the world. Even within the United States, more regions are more prone to tornadoes than the rest. The midwest, along with Oklahoma is one of them.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it is considered even more important to understand how one can move themselves to safety. The consequences can be catastrophic if one disaster layers over another.

As manufacturers of premium tornado shelters, EF 5 came up with 4 ways you can teach your kids safety procedures for a storm.

#1 Teach Your Children About Tornadoes

Schools conduct frequent tornado drills to prepare the students in case a storm strikes. You can have similar drills take place at home too. Sit your kids down and explain to them the severity of the weather. Let them know how dangerous tornadoes can be but also make sure to reinforce the idea that home is the safest place to be in the midst of a storm. Remember, kids, feel the safest with their parents around.

If your child has already experienced a previous emergency, it is normal for them to feel anxious about another incident. As parents, you should be prepared to help your kid through fear. Let them open up and try their best to soothe their worries. Be truthful but have compassion.

#2 Ready an Emergency Kit with Your Kids

Engage your kids in preparing an emergency kit in the event a tornado was to strike your home. The kit should include flashlights, batteries, portable chargers for electronic devices, and a radio. You should also carry canteens of water and dry, packaged food.

A disaster is traumatizing enough on its own, if your kid insists on including their favorite toy in the emergency kit, let them. Finally, pack anything you consider to be of value to you, it can be jewelry, family heirlooms, or pictures.

#3 Teach Your Kids to Catch the Signs of Changing Weather

Watch out for warnings on the news and keep an eye out for the weather forecast. You should also educate yourself and your kids to identify the signs of an upcoming storm. Intense winds, thundering, rolling dark grey-green clouds are all indicative of a tornado. Keep your emergency kit close and be ready to seek out a tornado shelter at quick notice.

#4 Know Where to Go Before the Storm Starts

Investing in a storm shelter is crucial, especially in states like Oklahoma. Being situated right in the middle of the nation’s tornado alley, we can not guarantee a storm won’t strike but we can assure you the peace of mind of knowing that your kids will have a safe place to sit out the tornado.

Contact us at 405-509-6888 for more details on our underground and above-ground tornado shelters. You can also visit our showroom at Lincoln Boulevard, Edmond.