5 Reasons Why An Underground Storm Shelter Is The Best Option?

Oklahoma’s storms are frenzied and vicious. Mid-western tornadoes leave a trail of destruction in their wake. If precautionary measures are not administered on time there is massive property damage. Sometimes, the worst happens and lives are lost to the storm too. An underground storm shelter can be the difference between life and death.

  • Safety and Security

Underground storm shelters are undoubtedly one of the safest places to take shelter in during a storm, no matter how bad it is. However, do make sure that your storm shelter meets the FEMA guidelines.

Being underground means that your shelter is safe from flying debris, fierce winds, torrential rain and even lightning.

Built from earth, steel and concrete, underground garage shelters are flame resistant and relatively fireproof. The earth' insulating properties also ensure that the temperatures in the shelter are stable.

  • Space Efficient

Sometimes adding a giant block to your property that isn't even used most of the time can seem like a bad investment (we assure you it's not). An underground garage shelter, as the name suggests, is a multipurpose solution to your problem. A garage to keep your car in and an underground shelter for tornado season.

  • Accessibility

Of course having an underground storm shelter means you don't have to run across the town to find shelter. The moment things start getting bad you can make your way underground and wait out the storm.

  • Family Only

In times of distress we will never say no to shelter someone even if they are a stranger but having a personal underground garage shelter means that you won't have to worry about jam-packed public shelters. Especially in the uncertain times of the Covid pandemic, you can follow protocols and limit contact with people even when there's a storm raging.

  • Increased Property Value

Homes with an underground garage shelter sell for considerably more than others. If you don't have a spacious yard, an underground shelter is going to make up for it. With Oklahoma's unpredictable weather, it's for good reason too!

Install an Underground Storm Shelter and Save Yourself Some Peace of Mind

EF5's FEMA approved storm shelters will protect you from the worst storms. With attractive discounts for first responders, military and veterans we make installing a shelter fast, safe and affordable. Visit our website to contact us today!