A Novice’s Guideline about Purchasing Tornado Shelter

People who live in tornado alley doesn't need any random website to inform them about the danger of a devastating storm. If you are one of them, you know exactly how dangerous and life-threatening tornadoes can be. In order to save lives, you must build or purchase tornado shelters in Edmond to resist the harm caused by the storm. But buying a safe room is not any grocery item you buy at a local shop.

What type of shelter you need, its size, location- everything you must consider before purchasing. For that, you must consult experts who assess all your requirements and deliver the most suitable item. But how to know where to start? In this guide, we have discussed every tiny detail that may fulfill your queries regarding tornado shelters.

The Capacity of the Storm Shelter

Before buying or building the aboveground storm shelter, you must consider the number of your family members. Not only that, but you should also consider a few more people because, who knows, you may have guests when tornadoes occur. You must be prepared for the storm all the time.

The Location of Your House

We know home is the only place we feel safe. But having a home in a tornado alley, means you can be dead at any minute if you avoid arranging proper safety precautions. In general, tornadoes last up to five minutes which experts classify as EF-0 to EF-1 storms. In most cases, storms are considered EF-3 or below that.

But sometimes tornadoes can reach the top level of EF-5, which causes significant damage. Therefore, based on this information and your location, you must buy safe rooms but do not forget that tornado shelter cost may vary from state to state.

Supplies You Must Stock in the Tornado Shelters

To deal with natural phenomena, you must stock all the essential items in the tornado shelters. While taking cover, you need more time and scope to carry all the essentials. The following items are bottled water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, batteries, a radio and nonperishable foods.

Which One to Choose- Underground or Aboveground?

Both underground and aboveground storm shelters are popular but have their benefits and drawbacks. You can opt for any of these two according to your requirements. For instance, you can place aboveground tornado shelters in any corner of your property.

Nowadays, most people like it mainly because it is easy to access and anyone can take shelter in it. Underground to protect it from flying debris and strong wind, but it is not flood resistant at all. So be careful before choosing the option.

Tornado- It's Real

Many think purchasing tornado shelters is a basic hype. But believe us, it's not. This huge mistake can kill you and your family in a second and only you will be responsible for that. We all spend a huge amount of money to buy new iPhones every year.

After all, this is the matter of your life. If a safe room can save you from this natural disaster, then why not. You can contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters in Edmond to learn more about it. Our experts will guide you to understand your requirements.