A Shelter in the Disaster Plan can Save Your Family

If you live in a city like OKC or Edmond, you are already bearing tornadoes yearly. So, it is apparent that you have a proper disaster plan. Having this plan can help you a lot during tough times. But if your master plan misses any critical elements, it can also give you trouble.

Let us take shelter, for example. Tornado shelters in Edmond and Oklahoma are extremely common. However, there are a lot of people who need to include these shelters in their disaster plans. Apart from that, there are also other mistakes that people tend to make while devising their disaster plans. Things like these are disasters themselves. But you can avoid such complications very easily.

The solution is to read this article and redo your disaster plan. It will increase the safety factors of your family substantially.

Add a Tornado Shelter and Redo your Plan

Here are some of the things that must be in your disaster plan:

Deciding upon a Meeting Place

You and your loved ones need to stay united when the storm hits. That is why it will be great if you make a list of tentative locations where you can meet, depending on where all the members can gather. All family members should know about these probable meeting spots to regroup quickly.

Emergency Contact Information

All the family members should have a list of emergency contact numbers and info on them. Things like these can be constructive when the storm hits.

The Shelter

As mentioned, the shelter should be crucial to your disaster plan. So, start looking for tornado shelters for sale or look for companies to build them. Also, remember to place the storm shelter close to your house. This way, during storms, you can quickly move into safety.

Invest in Warning Radios

Your smartphone is a great way to alert the authorities about your emergencies. But there is always a chance that your smartphones will become dysfunctional during the storm. That is why we recommend you spend some money to buy a few warning radios. And remember to station one permanently in your storm shelter. You can contact the outside world even when locked in the shelter.

Get some Cash

Electricity is one of the first things that will get cut off during storms. Naturally, ATMs will also not be functional. So, we recommend you get some dollars stored in your shelter. That will help you buy your supplies once the tornado is over.

Get some Gas

The petrol pumps will become dysfunctional as soon as the storm hits, just like the ATMs. So, filling your car tank wherever you want becomes challenging. That could pose a significant inconvenience to you during the disaster. So, we recommend you get a full tank refill on your car as soon as you hear about the catastrophe in the forecast.

Need a Shelter? EF5’s Got You Covered

Are you currently making your disaster plan? Your plan needs the help of the best tornado shelters in Edmond, OK. Call EF5 Tornado Shelters to learn about some of the best tornado shelters on the market. With our service, you can boost the safety of your family substantially.