Above Ground Storm Shelters: The Benefits and Flaws

Living in Oklahoma City comes with its share of natural disasters; among the most destructive are tornadoes. In the event of an EF5 tornado, the safest place to be is underground. However, only some have access to a basement or an underground shelter. In such cases, above-ground storm shelters are a popular alternative.

But are they a good investment for homeowners? What are the pros and cons of above-ground shelters? Let's take a closer look.

The Pros

● Easy to Install: Above-ground tornado shelters are easy to install and can stay intact in various locations, including garages, sheds or outside.

● Cost-Effective: Above-ground shelters are less expensive than in-ground shelters, making them an excellent option for homeowners on a budget.

● Convenient: Since they are above ground, these shelters are easy to access and don't require climbing down a steep staircase.

● Visibility: Above-ground shelters provide visibility and can help ease anxiety during a storm.

● Low Maintenance: Above-ground storm shelters require less maintenance than in-ground shelters, making them a more convenient option for homeowners.

● Versatile: These shelters can be customized to fit specific needs, including ADA accessibility or larger sizes to accommodate more people.

● Resale Value: These storm shelters can increase the resale value of a home, especially in areas prone to tornadoes.

● Peace of Mind: Above-ground shelters can provide peace of mind for homeowners during tornado season, knowing they have a safe place to take protection.

The Cons

● Appearance: Above-ground storm shelters can be an eyesore and may not match a home's or property's aesthetic. Space Requirements: Above-ground storm shelters require space on a property, which can be an issue for smaller lots.

● Noise Level: During a storm, the noise level inside an above-ground shelter can be intense, which may cause anxiety or distress for some individuals.

Installation Requirements: Based on the shelter's location, installation may require additional permits or approvals. But none of these cons may cause enormous troubles when a storm hits.

The Process of Installing Above-Ground Storm Shelters

The installation process is relatively straightforward if you decide an above-ground shelter is suitable. First, choose the shelter's location, considering the mentioned pros and cons. Then, work with a reputable company like EF5 Tornado Shelters to select the right option for your needs and budget.

Once you have selected your above-ground shelter, the installation typically takes one to two days, depending on the size and complexity. The installation team will dig a hole and then secure that shelter in place with concrete. Once the concrete has cured, your above-ground storm shelter is ready to use.

Final Words

Above-ground shelters are a cost-effective and convenient option for homeowners in Oklahoma City who want to protect themselves and their families from tornadoes. While there are some cons to consider, the pros outweigh the cons for many homeowners. Getting above-ground storm shelters in OKC can provide peace of mind for years with proper installation and maintenance.

If you're considering installing an above-ground shelter, contact the EF5 Tornado Shelters team today. Our experts can help you choose what is best for your home.