Are You Prepared For The Tornado?

Keeping yourself warm during the winter can be challenging in itself. If there are storms to add to the pain, it becomes even more difficult. Hence, it is better to stay prepared for the winter storms that are pretty common in Oklahoma City. Apart from having underground EF5 tornado shelters in Edmond, you can take preventive measures to keep your loved one and yourself safe during the storms.

Making your home waterproof

Make sure that your home is waterproofed properly. If you have water-lines that run along the exterior of your house, it is time to insulate the pipes so that it prevents freezing of water. Make sure to check your attic’s insulation and get any damages fixed so that your rooms stay warm. You can also cover the windows from the inside using plastic sheets. This will help keep your rooms warm by preventing cold air from entering through the gaps.

Prepare your underground shelter

Most of the homes in Edmond will have underground shelters. But you may not have used it during the summers. So, it is better to prepare your EF5 tornado shelters before winter hits. Here are a few things that you can do:

  • Check the insulation of the inner walls of your shelter. Also, check the main entrance and get any repairing work done before the winter months start.

  • Make sure you have proper ventilation. In case you have an air ventilator installed, make sure to call for maintenance so that it functions properly when needed.

  • Check your water sources. If you have insulated the pipelines, you can have a line connected to your underground shelter as well. On the other hand, you can also keep some jars of water handy in case water freezes in the pipeline.

  • Fill your pantry with packaged food items so that you and your family do not run out of food for a couple of weeks if needed.

Have an emergency kit for your car

It is best not to go outside your home during or even after a storm. But you may need to come out of your EF5 tornado shelters and drive if there is an emergency situation. So, here are a few things that can keep you prepared if you need to drive:

  • Windshield scraper

  • Flashlight and extra batteries

  • Warm clothes, hats, and even blankets

  • Tire chains and tow chain

  • Waterproof matches

If you are in need of storm shelters, EF5 tornado shelters can be your first and last choice. We have been serving our clients for over four years and we are proud to protect you and your family.