Best Qualities in a Storm Shelter and Where to Install It?

Living in a storm and tornado-prone area like Oklahoma requires its residents to invest in quality storm shelters. EF5 Storm Shelters are one of the very best in Edmond. However, before you draw out your cheque for the purchase, there are two important questions to answer. How to find a good safe shelter and where to put it?

What to Look for in a Storm Shelter?


When you begin looking at storm shelters, begin by considering the size. You will need a safe room big enough to accommodate all of your family, including pets (if any). Apart from the size, you should also look at the weight capacity of the storm shelter. A shelter with a higher weight capacity is more likely to ensure everyone’s safety during a tornado.


Weather conditions of the area you live in play a big role in determining what kind of safe room you should get. A region that gets frequent flooding, for example, works best with elevated shelters. You will also need to regard the type of storm headed your way. Oklahoma for example is known for its tornadoes. The best-known shelters for tornadoes are usually located underground or in heavily enclosed areas.


The third point you need to check is the location of the storm shelter. Keep in mind that the location should be convenient and easy to access. It should also complement the structural design of your house.


Finally, once you have narrowed down the list to a desirable few, select the final pick by considering the cost of the shelter. The cost should include the price of the safe room as well as installation charges. When you get an EF5 storm shelter, we assign an installation team to you.

What is the Best Place to Install a Storm Shelter?

●     When handing out safety ratings, the FEMA does not lay down any specific guidelines for accessibility. This is because every individual has different accessibility requirements. You will need to select a place in your home that is the easiest and quickest to get to. Typically, most people find this place to be the garage but a closet or patio will work just as well, given it is on a concrete foundation.

●     Today, a lot of people also install above-ground storm shelters in their yard. While these shelters are just as effective as their underground counterparts, you should still make sure beforehand that it holds well against airborne debris, falling trees and high-speed wind.

●     Not only should a safe room be able to shelter you for the duration of the storm, but you should also have no trouble getting out once the worst of the storm has passed.

●     If your family has senior people with mobility issues or disabled individuals or even little kids, you should pay extra attention to your storm shelter’s ease of access. Also, remember that the structure of your house will influence the kind of storm shelter best suited for your family.

Tornado-Proof Your Home with EF5 Storm Shelters

Whether you decide to get underground or above-ground storm shelters, you must make sure that the shelters have the accreditation and safety certification. Our tornado shelters come with an NWI (National Wind Institute) certificate as well as a verification seal from NSSA. Protect yourself and your loved ones with EF5 storm shelters. Call us at 405-509-6888 for more information on our tornado shelters and installation services.