Changing Technology & Storm Shelters

With the rapid development of technology in every sector, it has become easy to build everything with protection and strength. With the requirement of underground storm shelters, people are now keener to get it constructed by following every latest technological trend. Previously, it was meant that a storm shelter is intended to be dark in a confined space. But recent developments by technologically advanced experts say that it is not necessary. A safe room or a storm shelter can be constructed anywhere by following the necessity of the construction.

The commercial industry is now planning to come up with shelters that have better appeal and appearance. How can that be done? See it all here in this blog.

New Appeal Towards Storm Shelters

There are a wide variety of new options for storm shelters emerging every day. New alternatives like tornado glass and tornado shutters give scope to natural light for entering the refuge area with no compromise to the safety factor.

It has been found that people are now trying to build standard rooms with underground storm shelters so that there is no need to hovering around to reach the actual space when a storm breaks. For instance, places like boardrooms or gymnasium can be built as storm shelter with cutting-edge technology.

Moreover, cafeterias, music rooms, or banquet spaces can also be used as safe rooms or storm shelters by building those with proper engineering and expertise. Know the key differences between safe rooms and storm shelters first:

Storm Shelters: 

A storm shelter needs basic mechanisms and engineering assurance to provide desired security. The building with an underground storm shelter or above-ground storm shelter should be constructed following ICC-500. This will help to secure you in the time of high winds. The structure of a storm shelter should be able to withstand a 250-mph speed of the wind. It also needs protective walls, doors, and roofs and provision for emergency lighting. The shelters should also include proper ventilation and equipment for communication. Adding first aid kits and restrooms can be an added advantage.

Safe Rooms: 

This is not very different from storm shelters but needs some other operational characteristics. It is essential to include emergency management strategies with a designated workforce to help during the storm. FEMA invented the concept of ‘Safe Room’; hence, it must be built by following every guideline. Also, it must be abided by ICC-500 guidelines too.

Where to Go?

If you are looking for a credible company, who can build your storm shelter or safe room, visit Ef5 Tornado Shelters in OKC. We can construct your storm shelter just the way you need.