EF5 Tornado: Survival Strategy

When it comes to surviving an EF5 tornado, it’s always fearsome. According to the EF scale, an EF5 tornado is considered to be the strongest and most powerful tornado. The wind speed can exceed 200 mph which is extremely fatal. It clears almost everything that comes into its path. Therefore it’s better to be prepared beforehand. If you want to make sure your loved ones are safe, you should always consider having an EF5 tornado shelter in Edmond. Here are also a few things to keep in mind while you are trying to survive an EF5 tornado.

Always Check Latest Weather Watches

If you know when the storm is coming, you can prepare yourself in a better way. Therefore it’s absolutely necessary to check the latest weather updates. Once the latest weather watch is issued, you should start following the local media. Since a tornado can come anytime, it’s recommended to keep an eye on tornado signs.

Follow Tornado Drills

It doesn’t matter where you are, if you know a tornado is coming up roaring, tornado drills should be the norm worth following. When you are outside, do not delay to visit a designated tornado shelter. You must make sure your family members are safe and also confirm that they know where to get in when a tornado strikes.

Keep the Emergency Supplies

If you want to survive an EF5 tornado, you should always store food, water, medicine and other essential tools. The rescue operation will take time as per the scale of damage. It’s recommended that you must have essential supplies. Do not forget to carry a torch and first aid. These will help you in greater needs.

When it comes to surviving an EF5 tornado, you should always choose what the best is. To give your family the best chance to survive an EF5 tornado, you must ensure their safety. From above ground storm shelters to underground storm shelters, there are a lot. Find a company that provides the safest storm shelters and survives the strongest tornado.

Tornadoes are unpredictable. It’s always important to have the safest shelter that can withstand tornadoes and severe weather. EF5 Tornado Shelters are known for providing the safest and trusted storm shelters. Contact us today and make your Oklahoma living the safest.