Essential Features of Tornado Shelters You Must Check

We all see in twister movies how tornadoes can be life-threatening in some situations. No storm shelters mean a meager chance of getting safe from tornados or hurricanes. Seeking refuge in the safe room should be your topmost priority when a storm hits your area.

Devastating storms and high winds can destroy even the most robust structure and threaten your family's safety. It is especially true for people who live in OKC, which is prone to storms and high winds. Read this article to know the essential features of tornado-safe storm shelters before shopping around.

Proper Size

While picking your storm shelters, you should check the guideline by FEMA. According to them, residents must purchase at least three –10 square feet per person. The size ensures entire family members with disabilities sit safely there. The larger size is always better when the storm remains for hours.

Location of the Safe Room

During storms, only storm shelters can provide you with a safe room which is essential. Remember, you must build or keep a secure space that requires minimal transit. Also, you will be not abide by any safe time limit to get inside the safe room.

While placing the storm shelter, you should ensure it takes less than two minutes to travel. Making sure that it not only provides protection but also gives you peace of mind.

Reinforced Elements

Using the material to reinforce the structure is one of the most significant features of any good storm shelter. Carbon steel has become popular because it can withstand extreme weather conditions. Not only that, but also it ensures that the safe room remains functional for years regardless of the environment.

Weather-Proof Anchors

In above-ground tornado shelters, anchoring the structure is the primary key. In a tornado, the wind speed reaches almost 300 miles per hour in some instances. As a result, tornados can lift heavy cars, even houses, which we see in movies. So, buying a storm shelter with adequate anchors would be best to avoid a flying disaster.

Don't Take Your Life for Granted

While planning to build or purchase storm shelters for your house, ensure you meet the FEMA standard. At EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC, we provide FEMA-approved safe rooms because everyone deserves the best chance of surviving severe weather.