Facts You Cannot Miss About Above-Ground Storm Shelters

In the face of severe weather, safety is paramount. Storm shelters, a critical refuge during such times, offer protection against nature's fury. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of storm shelters, helping you make an informed decision when considering the purchase of one. We'll explore what a storm shelter is, compare underground versus above-ground storm shelter options, and discuss size, essential supplies, and the importance of registering your shelter.

What Is a Storm Shelter?

A storm shelter, also known as a tornado-safe room, is a structure designed to protect against severe weather events, particularly tornadoes and hurricanes. These shelters are constructed to withstand high winds and flying debris, offering a haven during life-threatening weather conditions.

Underground vs. Above-Ground Storm Shelters

Underground Storm Shelters


  • Enhanced Safety: Generally considered safer, as they're less likely to be impacted by flying debris or high winds.

  • Temperature Control: Naturally insulated by the earth, maintaining a more consistent temperature.


  • Accessibility Issues: Not ideal for those with mobility challenges.

  • Risk of Flooding: Being below ground, they can be prone to flooding in heavy rain conditions.

Above-Ground Storm Shelters


  • Accessibility: These above-ground storm shelters are easily accessible, especially for individuals with mobility issues.

  • Versatility: Can be installed in various locations, like inside a garage or as a standalone structure.


  • Potential Vulnerability: We may be more susceptible to extreme weather impacts than underground options.

  • Space Constraints: Might take up valuable space on your property.

Understanding the Best Storm Shelter Size

The size of your storm shelter should be based on:

  • Number of Occupants: Ensure enough space for each person to sit comfortably.

  • Duration of Stay: Consider the potential for extended stays during prolonged weather events.

  • Storage Needs: Account for space for essential supplies and personal belongings.

What Essential Supplies to Stock?

To ensure safety and comfort, stock your above ground storm shelter with the following:

  • Water and Non-Perishable Food: Enough to sustain all occupants for at least 72 hours.

  • First Aid Kit: Include medications, bandages, and sanitation supplies.

  • Communication Devices: Battery-powered or hand-crank radio for weather updates.

  • Lighting: Flashlights and extra batteries or solar-powered lights.

  • Comfort Items: Blankets, pillows, and seating options.

How to Register Your Storm Shelter?

Registering your above ground storm shelter in OKC with local authorities offers several benefits:

  • Quick Rescue: Helps first responders locate and assist you quickly in an emergency.

  • Community Safety: Contributes to local emergency planning and resource allocation.

  • Peace of Mind: Ensures your safety is accounted for in community emergency plans.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Storm Shelters

How Much Do Storm Shelters Cost?

The cost of storm shelters can vary significantly based on size, material, and type (underground or above-ground). On average:

  • Underground Shelters: Typically range from $3,000 to $7,000.

  • Above-Ground Shelters: Generally cost between $4,000 and $10,000.

Keep in mind prices can vary based on customization, installation fees, and geographic location.

Is There a Difference Between Safe Rooms and Storm Shelters?

Yes, there is a distinction:

  • Storm Shelters: Specifically designed to protect against severe weather like tornadoes and hurricanes. They are typically simpler in design and focus primarily on safety.

  • Safe Rooms: While also protecting against extreme weather, safe rooms can also offer security against human threats like break-ins. They may be more integrated into a home's design and can have additional features like reinforced doors and walls.

Can Storm Shelters Be Financed?

Many companies that sell storm shelters offer financing options. Additionally, some regions prone to severe weather offer grants or subsidies to help cover costs. It's advisable to check local government resources for potential financial assistance.

How Long Does Installation Take?

Installation time varies based on the type of shelter and site conditions.

  • Underground Shelters: These can often be installed in one day, although site preparation might extend this timeline.

  • Above-Ground Shelters: Installation generally takes a few hours to a day, depending on size and complexity.

Are Storm Shelters Tax Deductible?

In some cases, storm shelters can be tax-deductible, particularly if they're considered a home improvement for medical reasons (e.g., for persons with disabilities). Consult a tax professional for advice specific to your situation.

What Maintenance Do Storm Shelters Require?

Maintenance requirements are generally minimal but crucial. Regularly check for:

  • Structural Integrity: Inspect for cracks or leaks, especially in underground shelters.

  • Door Functionality: Ensure doors open smoothly and seal properly.

  • Ventilation Systems: Keep vents clear of debris and check for proper airflow.

  • Emergency Supplies: Regularly update and replenish supplies.

How Do I Choose the Right Location for My Storm Shelter?

Consider the following when choosing a location:

  • Accessibility: Ensure quick and easy access during an emergency.

  • Safety: Avoid flood-prone areas for underground shelters.

  • Convenience: Consider proximity to your living area for quick relocation during a storm.

Take Action with EF5 Tornado Shelters

Don't wait until it's too late. Protect yourself and your loved ones from nature's fiercest storms with EF5 Tornado Shelters. Our shelters are engineered to withstand the most extreme conditions, giving you peace of mind when you need it most. Contact us today to find the perfect above ground storm shelter solution for your home or business. Safety is just a call away – act now!