FEMA Will Now Pay for Residential Storm Shelters

Storm shelters damaged by high winds that have been verified by the National Wind Institute are eligible for reimbursement from the federal government. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides up to 75% reimbursement for storm shelters with verified damage. However, FEMA is not directly distributing these funds to homeowners. Rather, they are distributing the funds through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program. If you live in a tornado-prone area, you should understand your eligibility in the program as well as the available funding.

Residential funding

Residential funding is available to those whose storm shelters have recently been damaged. To receive the funding, homeowners should contact FEMA’s designated State Hazard Mitigation Officer. The officer will help you discover if you’re eligible for the funds as well as help you adhere to applicable state, federal or state design requirements.

Community funding

Homeowners living in communities may apply for this type of compensation. Make sure that you are in compliance with the Housing and Community Development Law. For instance, this law states the following: 

  • The storm must be situated in a recreation center with at least 20 units comprised of low and moderate-income families.

  • The safe house should be in a state prone to tornadic activity and that has experienced a damaging storm in the last three years..

  • The storm must have been large enough to affect all the individuals in the area.

Hazard mitigation funds

For these funds, the program receives assistance from the state of Oklahoma or the city of OKC. The homeowners seeking compensation must receive approval from the hazard mitigation plan. The plan requires the following: 

  • Relocated or demolished structures.

  • The construction of a community and residential storm shelter.

  • Repairs to homes that protect them from high winds and earthquakes.

Pre-disaster funds

This award gives financing to qualified networks around the country to subsidize the development of private storm shelters. Pre-disaster grants can help communities subsidize the development of private storm shelters in a community. The grants are financed annually through Congressional assignments. Additionally, the funds are not allocated to any particular state. allowed to states. FEMA tends to focus on rebuilding projects areas prone to flooding. A cost-benefit analysis is performed for each proposed project.

EF5 Tornado Shelters to the rescue!

Let a storm shelter put your mind at ease. Trust EF5 with a During the inclement weather, nothing will strike your mind except saving your near and dear ones. We are here to provide you with quick installation and maximum protection from storms. Contact us in OKC now to book your slot!