Flash Floods and Tornado Shelters: The Safety is ON

"In the midst of life's storms, a shelter stands strong, providing safety, peace and hope to weather any challenge."

When severe weather strikes, it's essential to have a plan in place to protect yourself and your loved ones. Two of the most dangerous weather events are flash floods and tornadoes. Both can cause significant damage to homes and buildings and endanger human lives. If you live in an area prone to these types of weather events, it's essential to have a storm shelter.

A storm shelter, a safe room or a tornado shelter is a reinforced structure that can withstand severe weather events. It's a space where you can seek refuge during a storm, staying protected from the dangerous winds and debris that come with a tornado or flash flood. Here are the depths that reputable storm shelter companies unveil.

Flash Floods and Storm Shelters-How They Work

Flash floods are one of the deadliest natural disasters in the world. They occur when a large amount of rain falls in a short period, causing water to accumulate rapidly in low-lying areas. Flash floods can cause significant damage to buildings and homes and sweep away cars and other objects.

  • If you are a resident of Oklahoma City and prone to flash floods, installing a storm shelter is crucial.

  • A storm shelter can protect you from rushing water and debris during a flash flood.

  • It's important to remember that flash floods can occur anytime, so be ready and call a professional storm shelter company.

  • A storm shelter can also provide a safe place to store emergency supplies during a flash flood. This way, you'll have access to food, water and other essentials during the stormy nightmares.

Tornadoes and Storm Shelters- The Real Enemies

Tornadoes are another severe weather event that can cause significant damage and loss of life. They form when warm, moist air collides with cool, dry air, creating a rotating column of air. Tornadoes can generate winds of up to 300 miles per hour, destroying homes, buildings and anything else.

Oklahoma is prone to tornadoes and having a storm shelter in every house is essential. It can protect from a tornado's strong winds and debris. It's important to note that even small tornadoes can be deadly, so having a storm shelter is critical.

Types of Storm Shelters- Which One Do Storm Shelter Companies Recommend?

A lot of options are available for storm shelters, including above-ground shelters, underground shelters and safe rooms. Each type of shelter has advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to consider your needs and budget when hiring storm shelter companies.

  • Underground Storm Shelters

Underground shelters are often the most common type of storm shelter. They are typically installed below the ground and can effectively withstand the strongest tornado winds. These shelters can consist of concrete or steel and accommodate several people. They also provide excellent protection from flying debris.

  • Above-Ground Storm Shelters

Above-ground shelters are another option for storm protection. These shelters are often made of reinforced steel and can be installed in a garage or outside. They can also protect from tornadoes and flash floods but may not be as secure as underground shelters.

  • Safe Rooms

Finally, safe rooms are another option for storm protection. Safe rooms are reinforced inside a home or building to withstand severe weather. One can construct them in a basement, garage or interior room and accommodate several people. Safe rooms can be more expensive than other types of shelters but offer the advantage of being easily accessible during a storm.

Ef5 Tornado Shelters- The Best Shield Your Home Needs

Remember how ‘Hodor’ saved Bran from Night Walkers? Well, a true Game of Thrones fan will know! Want that robust security? Hire EF5 Tornado Shelters and make us your ‘Hodor’! Our storm shelter company in OKC is here to protect you and your family against life-threatening storms.