Fujita Ratings of Tornado to Understand The Severity

If you have been living in Oklahoma, you already are familiar with the tornado damages. Each time a tornado hits your area, you may feel that it is the worst ever. You may either have your basement ready for such situations or you need to go to the nearest tornado shelters in OKC.

You may have noticed that Fujita Tornado Damage Scale rates each of the tornados that touch down. However, you may not know what these ratings are or what they mean. So, let’s take a look at the ratings:

Understanding Fujita Scale

Fujita scale is used to measure and rate the intensity of tornado. Once a tornado touches down, the amount of damage that it has caused in the area is taken under consideration to rate it. Engineers and meteorologists work together to grade the damage.

If you have been affected by a tornado, even your testimonial will also be taken under consideration along with the patterns of the swirl and other facts.

Understanding the scale

You can take refuge in tornado shelters in OKC when the storm hits. But the actual task of the professional starts after the damage is done. They need extensive data collection to make sure that the rating is correct as per their knowledge. You can take a look at the short discussion below about the ratings from F0 to F5 and what they mean.

  • F0: This is the lowest range in the scale. So, if you see that a tornado in your area is rated F0, you know that the damages are not severe.

  • F1: This rating means that the tornado in your area has caused a moderate amount of damage with hurricane speed that is still on the lower end of the scale.

  • F2: The most common rating that you will see in Oklahoma and in which you may need to go to tornado shelters in OKC. Tornados with this rating can cause roof damage.

  • F3: When the tornado in Oklahoma damages walls and roofs of houses, overturns trains and flips cars, it is given an F3 rating.

  • F4: The tornado with wind speed of 207 to 260 MPH can be seriously devastating and gets the rating of F4.

  • F5: Not even 0.1% of the tornados in Oklahoma reaches this rating as this is rated as the most devastating type of tornado that can ever be.

If you want tornado shelters in OKC, EF5 Tornado Shelters is the first choice that you should consider keeping your family safe.