How to Prepare for a Storm Shelter

There is undeniable importance on building a tornado shelter. When you are constructing a shelter, there are a handful of facts that you should keep on mind. Here are the tips.

Make a Plan

The first and foremost important step is an emergency plan creation. Ut could be a detailed document or a small memo but make sure you have it any other form. It must include for preparation and evacuation. The primary goal is protecting the onsite workers and to prevent damage to the facility and equipment.

Informing Staff

In your company you should make everyone informed about the plan for hurricane preparedness. If the tornado shelter is at the project site, everyone must know where it is located and how to reach there. If the shelter is not there everyone must know the safe evacuation plan. You should regularly practice drill with the staff to make sure the staff know the evacuation plan better.

Emergency Kit

At the underground storm shelter or below the ground storm shelter, you must have an emergency kit. You can put everything there that you require while staying in the shelter.

Weather Monitoring

You must check the weather forecast regularly in the hurricane season. The sites for weather forecast keep their information updated on an hourly basis or almost immediately. When a hurricane breaks out you almost get no time to evacuate safely. So keep an eye on the forecast to get into the shelter within no time.

Building a Storm Shelter

Does a Concrete Pad Required for a shelter?

The answer is a clear no. One of the greatest advantages of an underground or above the ground storm shelter is that 6 inches steel reinforced floor removes the requirement of spending money on pouring a concrete slab. You can set the shelter directly on the bare soil.

Kind of Gravel Pad and Its Depth

You can use 3/4" - 1" diameter stones mixing limestone dust in it. It has different names in different states. Do not put the gravel pad in a depth of not more than 2 to 3 inches above the grade. You can drive a car on it or can use a lawn tractor only for packing down it to the place properly.

Level of the Shelter

While setting a shelter on the earth or a gravel pad. You just need an even surface. There must not be any crown that stresses the shelter floor. You do not need to survey the spot but make it even to the best of your capacity.

Connect to us at EF5 Tornado Shelters. We are experienced in above the ground and under the ground storm shelters.