Importance of Storm Shelters and How It Is Made

A storm shelter, also known as storm cellar, is a super-strong structure designed to protect people from severe weather. Due to the high winds or flying debris, your house may fall apart, but you will remain safe and secured when you install a storm shelter. It also acts as a protection of your family and valuables during any emergency situation such as social unrest, home break-ins and more.

Purposes of building storm shelters

  • A storm shelter can withstand extreme weather conditions. Usually built from steel, these storm shelters are fire resistant. To ensure total safety from earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes or any other natural disaster, building storm shelters is important.

  • You should not worry if there is any kind of civil disorder or riot. You are safe in your own private, secure place. Storm shelters will keep you away from noise and violence.

  • Valuable belongings can be stored inside the storm shelter. Important documents, family heirlooms, jewellery, or other essentials, everything will remain intact, untouched by any damage.

  • Some people choose to build storm shelters in order to add value to the property. Both in terms of safety and storage, a storm shelter increases the value of overall property.

How Storm Shelters Are Made?

One of the most common ways of making storm shelters is making it underground. You can either purchase prebuilt underground storm shelters and get it installed or it can be built on site. It provides good protection from strong winds and violent storms.

Then there are above-ground storm shelters. It can either be inside or outside your home. When a safe room is made within the house, it is called in-residence storm shelter. It is easy to access and also it can be utilized as a storage or closet. An outside storm shelter is completely separate from the house, more spacious though difficult to access during emergency. It can function as a storage shed or yard.

No matter where it is made, it will act as an indestructible vault where you can keep all your important documents and other valuables without any worries.

Materials Used

The storm shelters have tough and sturdy shell so that it can endure any kind of weather impact and keep people safe. Storm shelters are usually made of hard materials like steel panels or reinforced concrete. Nowadays using fibreglass in making storm shelter is also common. The door of a storm shelter is important and needs special attention while making it. It should be carefully bolted to a rigid frame. The doors are usually made of steel and have strong hinges.

If you live in a tornado prone area then it is highly recommended to have a storm shelter built in your house. Investing in a storm shelter is wise as it not only protects from natural disasters but also serves several other purposes. Contact EF5 Tornado Shelters’ experts in Oklahoma to Install one today and bring home safety, security and peace of mind.