Safety Guidance for Family during a Heavy Storm

Thunderstorms and tornadoes can hit any time of the year and it can be very scary. Speedy high winds can damage properties, homes and possess a lot of threat to the people. If a thunderstorm becomes strong enough, the most vital thing to do is to stay away from lightning. A proper protection may help save your family from potential damages and injuries. Installing above ground storm shelters is one of the perfect ways to ensure safety during storm.

Here are some of the easy guidance for you to protect your family during a stormy weather.

  • Plan with Emergency Storm Kit

Being organized during an emergency is not just about staying safe but also about staying comfortable. The first thing you need to do is creating a family survival plan during emergencies. If you have any alert of storm, keep all the essentials handy. Whether it’s a heavy storm, or even a tornado, you should ensure you have an emergency storm kit. Make sure to put all the essential goods prepared in the kit and ready to go as you pursue immediate refuge. It is also necessary to make a list of crucial phone numbers and store it in a readily available place.

  • All Outdoor Items should be Moved

Make sure all the outdoor items of your home like lawn furniture, sporting equipment, and many more are shifted to a safer place if a storm is heading. During a heavy storm and high winds your outdoor items can get damaged and also lead to property impairment sometimes.

  • Make an Evacuation Path Plan

Sometimes, serious weather conditions may require leaving your home. Thus, it’s better to have a safe evacuation path plan in mind. It will make everything easier and safer for your family members to escape the house and move to another shelter.

  • Make a Safe Shelter

Make a designate safe room. Making most of this safe room during the storm will perhaps be the best strategy to save life of you and your loved ones. This shelter should be your go-to location during these thunderstorms or tornadoes. This room must not have any windows and doors. You can use an inside room or a basement as a selected safe room. It’s always safe to install an easily available steel safe room that will be the best place for you and your family to take cover.

We, at EF5 Tornado Shelter, provide you installation services of underground and above ground storm shelters in OKC. We ensure highest safety with our superior quality FEMA-approved safe rooms and shelters.