Stay Safe During the Storms with EF5

Aren't you looking for a storm shelter that holds up to the storms and keeps you and your family protected? You have probably already gone through a few options. But if you are thinking what different EF5 could be compared to the other companies, then you are in the right place. Just read this article to find out what makes our above ground storm shelters one of the best in OKC.

Why Invest in EF5

As we said earlier, the EF5 shelters have a reputation of being one of the best in OKC. We were marked the best by the Oklahoma Readers Choice for four consecutive years. We earned these awards and the reputation with years of on field experience. Our shelters are built with strong steel and concrete that keeps you and your family safe when there is a strong storm going on outside.

As storm shelters are considered a tax free product in Oklahoma, the funding and grants from FEMA become very important. And we feel proud that the EF5 above ground storm shelters exceed all the requirements for those grants.

Other Options

If you are in need of anything other than above ground storm shelters, we also have a few other facilities that might match your needs. Here are some of the examples of such options.

Below Ground Garage Shelters

If you think that a below ground garage shelter might be a safer option compared to an above ground storm shelter, then we can provide you with that too.

Below Ground Concrete Slope Front

The concrete slope front below ground shelters are those where you have to get down through a sloped front door that leads you to the actual shelter. As there are almost no building establishments above ground, many people feel safer in this kind of shelter compared to the ones above ground..

Below Ground Flat Top

A flat top underground shelter is basically the same as the slope front ones just with even lesser building establishments above ground. We do those as well so make sure to ask whatever you want to know.

Your Ultimate Destination to Ensure Safety

Now, as you already know all the necessary information, you can surely see why EF5 is the best option available for above ground storm shelters in OKC. So call us now to get you safe room built.