Storm Shelter Peace: Spotting the Perfect Location

Do you ever feel like you're in the sequel of the movie Twister, except it's not a movie and it's your real life? Welcome to the world of tornado-prone areas, where the wind has a penchant for drama and the weatherman is the most popular guy in town. But fear not! We're here to help you outmaneuver Mother Nature's tantrums. We're talking about 'tornado shelters' - your fortress against the tempestuous whims of the weather—no capes, no superheroes, just plain old practicality that could save your life.

Fortifying Safety: Unveiling Prime Spots for Tornado Shelters

Choosing the best location for your storm shelter is like playing a hide-and-seek game. You want to find a spot that is safe, easily accessible and sturdy enough to withstand the high winds and flying debris that come with a tornado. Here's a detailed look at some of the best spots to consider.

  • Check Your Home’s Prime Location: The Basement

The basement typically serves as a prime location for shelters. Why, you ask? Well, firstly, it's the lowest point in your home and has the most ground cover, which naturally makes it an excellent barrier against the violent winds of a tornado. The underground's added stability and structural integrity offer an extra layer of protection against those howling bad boys.

However, not all basements are made equal. If yours gets a bit soggy during heavy rain, it might not be the best place for your shelter unless you fancy a swim alongside dodging a tornado. Ensure your basement is waterproof before installing a storm shelter there.

  • Secure Shelter: Garage Area Is the Perfect Place

If the basement isn't an option, turn your sight toward the garage. The garage offers a vast, usually uncluttered space perfect for tornado shelter installation. With a shelter here, you don't need to worry about ripping up your beautiful hardwood floors or displacing any indoor furniture. Plus, it's easily accessible from inside and outside the house, which could be crucial when every second counts.

But remember, if you're parking your beloved classic vehicle there, make sure your shelter is reinforced and designed to withstand the impact of heavy objects.

  • Impromptu Action: Rush to Accessing Spot

Easy access to your shelter is vital in the whirlwind chaos that a tornado can bring. Therefore, consider a location that's reachable for everyone in the family, from energetic kids to those with mobility issues. That might mean installing ramps or handrails if needed.

The shelter should ideally be close to the living or sleeping areas to minimize the distance you need to cover during a tornado warning. The key here is to consider your family's routine and the layout of your house. It's a bit like hide and seek, except you want the tornado to be the one that's 'it' and you need a perfect hiding spot.

  • Stay Safe Inside a Closet

"Tornadoes may rage, but you'll be secure,

In this hidden refuge, safety will endure."

If space is a premium in your home, consider transforming a closet into a safe room. It's like a secret superhero lair for real-life heroes - you and your family. It doesn't require any additional space and, with the proper reinforcement, can provide robust protection against tornadoes. The central location of many closets in a house makes them a viable option. Ensure you don't accidentally lock yourself in with your teenager's smelly gym clothes!

Breathing Easy: The Vitality of Proper Ventilation Inside Shelter

Finally, let's address the often-overlooked aspect of tornado shelters - ventilation. Whether your shelter is in the basement, garage or closet, it must have proper ventilation. Not only does this ensure comfort during your stay, but it's also a crucial safety factor. It helps prevent the buildup of harmful gasses and maintains a steady supply of fresh air. Plus, it's nice to know that you can still breathe fresh air even in a storm.

Bottom Line

Remember, choosing the best place for your storm shelter is a crucial decision that involves considering the structure and layout of your house, the needs and routines of your family and the specific safety requirements of a shelter. It's not just about surviving the storm; it's about doing so with minimal stress and maximum safety.

Secure Your Haven with EF5

Had enough of the tornado's huffing and puffing? Call EF5 Tornado Shelters. We build sturdy tornado shelters that even the big bad wolf can't blow down. Because in the game of Tornadoes, you don't win or lose; you win or meet severe consequences. Well, let's not go there. Better safe than sorry, right? So step up, make a move and bring home the security your family deserves. Let the tornadoes know - this house is not for blowing down!