Storm Shelter Supply List: What Should You Stock?

Installing tornado shelters on your property is not enough for house owners. You must keep the essential supplies in the storm shelter so that your family can survive a tornado for a few days. According to the researches, mild tornadoes can damage your electric supply and water supply severely. Therefore, you must be prepared to handle the challenges strategically.

There are a few areas including Edmond that face catastrophic weather every year. It goes without saying that you have to ensure protection at any cost. Even if your place does not experience tornadoes quite often, preparing for a storm would always be a better idea. That’s why we have shared a list of the most necessary storm supplies in this article, so that you do not get lost.

Store Water and Food

First of all, you must stock ample amounts of food and water in the tornado shelters. The storage should be for at least seven days per person. Many people follow a rotating food storage system. You need to relocate a little amount of food to the shelter so that you can access it as an emergency ration when required. These are the following foods that you can have in the shelter including;

●       Canned chicken and fish

●       Canned fruits and vegetables

●       Granola bars

●       Beef jerky

●       Canned soup and ravioli

●       Bottles, formula and baby food

●       MRE

●       Trail mix

●       Crackers with a long shelf life

●       Nuts and peanut butter

Stock Urgent Medical Supplies

You should keep a first aid kit handy to treat the injuries immediately. You must fill a small box with everything you require. If your local weather report indicates a tornado warning, then grab the first aid box on your way to the tornado shelter.

You have to include the following items such as adhesive bandages, over-the-counter pain relievers, sterile gauze pads, prescription medications, antibacterial wipes, compress dressing, thermometer, instant cold compress, tweezers, ace bandages, and non-latex gloves.

Keep Important Documents Safely

It will become your nightmare if a tornado smashes all your important documents in a jiffy. Carelessness for a moment will lead to losing everything. You should keep passports and birth certificates in the storm shelters safely.

Mark Yourself Safe

Keep in mind that a smart house always has a storm shelter. You must install a storm shelter on your property to save yourself and your family members. You can contact EF5 Tornado Shelters to know how to protect you today.