The Must-have Items for a Storm Shelter Preparation

The Must-have Items for a Storm Shelter Preparation.jpg

When a storm happens, you may lose power for hours or even days. Even a minor storm will leave you in the dark for an extended period of time. Tornadoes have the ability to knock out power for up to a week, making a tornado kit essential.

If you live in a region where severe weather occurs on a regular basis, you'll want to be prepared. Even if your city doesn't get many hurricanes or tornadoes, being prepared for the worst is still a smart idea. Continue reading to find out what you should have in your tornado bag.

  • Important Items for Tornado Shelter

If you have a storm cellar or shelter, make sure it's filled with the supplies you'll need in an emergency. When the sirens sound, there won't be enough time to gather anything, so planning ahead is crucial.

If you're preparing for bad weather and tornado season, keep reading to find out what to include in your tornado preparedness kit.

  • Water

It's possible that this was the first thing that came to mind. You may be trapped in your shelter for a long time if you are struck by a particularly severe tornado. You can't survive without food or water, so they should be your top priorities.

Aim for about a week's worth of food and water, and make sure you have enough people. A gallon of water per person per day is usually considered adequate, and all food products, such as canned vegetables, should be non-perishable.

  • Clothing

Many people forget to provide fresh clothing in their tornado preparedness package. It's great to be able to change clothes and underwear if you're going to be trapped for a few days. Dry clothing can help improve comfort and avoid illness if you or your family gets damp or dirty when running to the shelter.

  • Medical Supplies

Is there someone in your family who has to take those medications? The last thing you want is for somebody to become seriously ill because their medication is locked away in the main building.

You should also invest in a decent first-aid kit. Don't go for the cheapest alternative. Choose a package that includes enough supplies for everybody and covers all of the essentials.

  • Essential Documents

It's terrifying to consider, but if a tornado directly impacts your house, you might lose everything. Although nothing can be replaced and your family's life is the most significant, certain records, such as birth certificates and passports, make it much easier to get back on your feet.

  • Power and Light

Flashlights and batteries for any games or gadgets you have to keep your kids occupied during the storm are less important than other things, but they should still be packed. Phone chargers, lights, and battery-powered radios should all be included in any tornado package.

  • Seek Assistance

A wise family will prepare a storm shelter. If you live in the OKC, you've seen the damage that tornadoes can cause. The safest way to keep yourself and your family safe in the event of a tornado is to keep a well-stocked tornado kit.

Contact a specialist company that knows how to protect you today if you're looking for ways to strengthen the protection of your home in the event of a storm. See us at EF5 Tornado Shelter for help.

Brandon Shavers