The ‘Must-Have’ List in a Tornado Shelter

The ‘Must-Have’ List in a Tornado Shelter.jpg

An underground storm shelter is for your protection in a tornado. You may have to stay there for a long time, therefore, must keep it prepared to hold your family during that time. This is a shield to protect you from wind, rain and hail as well as flying debris. See what supplies you must need in the tornado shelter underground or above the ground.

Food and Water

You first will concentrate on storing enough food and water. Try to store food and water for five to seven days survival for per person. Keep the storm shelter full with emergency rations as you may need it badly. See what items you can keep there -

  • Canned fruits and vegetables, soup, ravioli, fish and chicken

  • Peanut butter

  • Nuts

  • Crackers

  • Granola bars

  • Trail mix

  • Beef jerky

  • Ready to eat meals

  • Disposable eating utensils

  • Baby food and pet food if needed

The best way for storing water is keeping one gallon drinking water per person for per day. Typically this means you need to keep five to seven gallons of water person in the storm shelter.


You do not know how the situation will be outside when the storm ends. You do not even know how long it will take for you to return the home. To stay prepared, keep the shelter stocked with these clothing items.

  • Extra clothes for changing

  • Warm clothes

  • Heavy shoes

  • Work gloves

First Aid Kit

You must always keep a first aid kit and your medications and emergency medicines handy. Since medicines have expiry dates, you can rotate them. Fill a backpack with all the items you may need. Here is what you may need -

  • OTC pain relievers

  • Prescribed medicines for all

  • Adhesive bandages

  • Antibiotic ointment

  • Compress dressing

  • Antibacterial wipes

  • Sterile gauze pads

  • Instant cold compress

  • Ace bandages

  • Non-latex gloves

  • Thermometer

  • Tweezers

Sanitation Supplies

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Toilet paper

  • Portable tissue packs

  • Trash bags

  • Diapers and wipes and sanitary napkins

Camping Gear and Tools

  • Tent and tarp

  • Battery run lantern

  • Sleeping blankets and bags

  • Battery run weather radio

  • Flashlights

  • Extra batteries

  • Cell phone charger

  • Cash

  • Whistle

  • Duct tape

  • Swiss army knife

  • Nylon rope

  • Waterproof matches

  • Hammer

Personal Documents

  • Tax information

  • Home deed

  • Birth certificates

  • Insurance documents

  • Banking information

  • Medical papers

With this check list you will stay prepared in an underground storm shelter. This is not the list everything included. You might need other a few things for your stay. This article is to help you with the preparation for the next natural disaster. For building a shelter, contact EF5 Tornado Shelter in OKC.