The Science of Surviving Tornadoes with Storm Shelters

Living in Tornado Alley can be both beautiful and terrifying. The wide-open skies and rolling fields are a sight to behold, but with that beauty comes the real danger of tornadoes.

For many Oklahomans, the fear of severe weather is a constant presence in their lives. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for the worst, to have a plan and the tools necessary to weather the storm. When protecting yourself and your loved ones from the unpredictable force of a tornado, you want to be sure you have the best possible defense.

  • While some may choose to ride out the storm in their homes or basements, others opt for the added protection of a tornado shelter.

  • But how do these shelters work?

  • And what makes them so important in protecting us from the devastating effects of tornadoes?

This article will showcase the science behind storm shelters, their structures, pressure differential systems and essential survival equipment.

How Do Storm Shelters Work?

Storm shelters, also known as tornado shelters or safe rooms, are designed to protect individuals and families from the high winds, flying debris and strong tornadoes that can devastate our homes and communities. These shelters consist of solid materials such as steel or concrete to withstand the intense forces of a tornado. By doing so, the shelter provides a secure and safe space for people to seek refuge from the storm.

The Structures of These Shelters

The structure of a tornado shelter plays a crucial role in its effectiveness.

  • A well-built storm shelter is typically constructed using reinforced concrete or steel with a reinforced door that can withstand the strong winds of a tornado.

  • Some shelters are even buried underground for added protection.

  • Proper ventilation is also essential to ensure that the air inside the shelter remains fresh and breathable.

Importance of Pressure Differential System

One of the most important features of a sturdy storm shelter is its pressure differential system. As the winds of a tornado pass over a home, the air pressure drops significantly. This sudden pressure drop can cause a dangerous force, uplift, which can lift roofs and walls off houses. However, a shelter with a pressure differential system can counteract the uplift and prevent the shelter from being lifted off the ground.

  • This system works by installing a vent in the shelter that allows air to flow in and out.

  • This constant airflow maintains a steady pressure inside the shelter, preventing it from being lifted by strong winds.

Essential & Survival Equipment

Having essential survival equipment in your tornado shelter is also crucial. In the event of a tornado, you want to be sure you have everything you need to survive until help arrives. That includes water, food, first aid supplies, blankets, flashlights and a battery-powered radio.

Note: Keeping a cell phone charger in your shelter is also a good idea to stay connected with the outside world.

Defeat the Inner Fear with EF5 Tornado Shelters

If you are looking for reliable and effective storm shelters in OKC, look no further than EF5 Tornado Shelters. With years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing the highest quality shelters to protect you and your family during severe weather events.

Our shelters have reinforced steel and have a pressure differential system to prevent uplift during tornadoes. EF5 Tornado Shelters offers a variety of shelter options to fit your needs and budget, including above-ground and underground shelters.