Tips to Prepare for Upcoming Tornado

It is peak season for tornadoes in the Tornado Alley in April, May, and June. A stressful and challenging time for many residents, but preparation and action are essential to ensuring safety in this situation. Every building has a fire drill to ensure that everyone in the building knows exactly how to respond and what to do in the event of a fire. As with man-made disasters, natural disasters also necessitate preparation and planning. If a tornado is on the horizon, here are some safety tips for you and your loved ones. See what you need to do before building a tornado shelters.

  • Creating a Safe Room Is the First Step

When preparing for a tornado, make sure to do this first. Designed to withstand the pressure and impact of high-speed winds, these rooms are specialized. Depending on the available space, you can construct this room in your basement, first floor, or even as a stand-alone unit. Wind and debris should not be able to enter the area through any doors or windows.

  • Preparation Is Key

In the event of an emergency, make sure you have all the necessary first-aid supplies and medications on hand. Next, bring a lot of water and food to keep yourself nourished while you're inside. Prepare your belongings with a trip of three to four days in mind. Having a flashlight and some spare batteries is also a good idea, as well as a radio to keep up with weather reports.

Don't forget to stock up on supplies for your pets, too. In the event that you or a member of your family needs special medication or equipment because of a disability, don't forget to pack it all. Make sure you have a power bank on hand and text your loved ones when you enter the shelter.

  • Keep Your Most Valuable Documents Securely

You should take a photocopy of all your important documents, such as passports and birth certificates as well as house leases and ID cards. Having everything you need on hand if you can't get back home is comforting. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep a little extra cash on hand.

  • Plan Ahead and Assign Responsibilities to Everyone

Make a family emergency plan and practice it frequently to make sure everyone is on track and prepared in the event of an emergency. Make sure you have everything you'll need close at hand, packed up and easy to transport. In order to avoid panic and ensure that your children follow your instructions in the event of an emergency, make sure that you discuss your emergency plan with them in a fun and interactive way.

Want to build a tornado shelter now? Contact EF5 Tornado Shelter now and place your requirement.

Brandon Shavers