Tornado Preparedness: Your Essential Oklahoma Guide

Tornadoes and storms in OKC can be as unpredictable as they are powerful. From the gusty winds to the pounding rain, understanding these weather phenomena is crucial for anyone living in or passing through Oklahoma City. In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down the basics of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in an easy-to-understand way. We'll also demystify the difference between a watch and a warning and help you identify the safest spots during a tornado warning. Knowing how to stay safe during severe weather is necessary. And when it comes to staying safe, one phrase comes to mind: storm shelters. These underground sanctuaries provide the ultimate protection during nature's fury and we'll explore their importance in detail. So, let's dive into the essentials of tornadoes and storms, starting with what you should know about severe thunderstorms.

What Exactly is a Severe Thunderstorm?

A severe thunderstorm isn't your ordinary rainfall. Defined by the National Weather Service, a severe thunderstorm contains at least one of the following: hail with one inch or larger diameter, winds gusting more than 58 mph or a tornado. Heavy rain, frequent lightning and high winds are usually part and parcel of these thunderstorms. For residents whose terrain varies from coastal regions to mountainous areas, staying informed and taking immediate precautions when a severe thunderstorm warning is issued is essential. You need to install a storm shelter to get rid of such issues.

The Vortex Phenomenon: What is a Tornado?

Tornadoes are nature's most violent storms, capable of producing wind speeds that exceed 250 mph. Unlike thunderstorms, tornadoes form from severe storm clouds and touch the ground, causing significant damage to structures and landscapes. If you find yourself in the path of a tornado, one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family is by seeking refuge in designated storm shelters. These are designed to provide maximum protection during extreme weather conditions.

Deciphering the Alerts: Watch vs. Warning

Many people get confused when they hear "watch" and "warning" about weather forecasts. A "watch" means that conditions are ripe for a severe thunderstorm or tornado to develop, but one has not been spotted yet. A "warning," on the other hand, means a severe weather event is imminent or already occurring. If a tornado warning is issued, immediately go to your storm shelter or another safe place to take cover.

Identifying Your Refuge: Safe Places During Tornado Warnings

During a tornado warning, the basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of your house serves as the safest location. Steer clear of windows and doors, as flying debris can cause injury or death. A good rule of thumb is to go to local storm shelters if you live in a region prone to tornadoes. Keep an emergency kit stocked with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights and a battery-powered radio.

Apartment Living: Finding Your Safe Storm Shelters

Living in an apartment complex presents unique challenges during severe weather events. You may not have access to a basement or underground storm shelters. In this case, move to the lowest floor possible and seek shelter in an internal room, avoiding windows at all costs. Many apartment complexes now come equipped with built-in storm shelters, offering residents an added layer of protection.

Safety Measures While Traveling During Severe Weather

If you happen to be traveling during a tornado or severe storm warning, finding a safe place becomes a pressing concern. Should you find yourself driving, pull over and find a building to take cover in. Vehicle interiors are not suitable shelters during tornadoes. Lying flat in a ditch can provide protection if no structure is available. It's a good idea to identify potential storm shelters along your route when planning trips during the tornado season.

Secure Your Safety with EF5 Tornado Shelters

Trust matters when it comes to safeguarding your loved ones from the wrath of Oklahoma's tornadoes. At EF5 Tornado Shelters, we've made it our mission to provide the ultimate protection against nature's fury. Our state-of-the-art storm shelters in OKC are designed to keep you safe and sound during even the most ferocious storms. Don't wait until it's too late – secure your family's safety now!