Types of Tornadoes That Can Be Disastrous

There are some natural hazards that asked you to be vigilant about in any particular part of the planet, depending on the environment, time of year, and weather patterns. Tornadoes is one such disaster that can be something horrid if you do not take the right step beforehand.  Various storm shelters can be safe during tornadoes.

Here are a few of the tornadoes that generally form and create a heavy buzz.

1. Landspout Tornadoes

Landspout tornadoes are waterspouts that have formed on the ground. You can notice the formation of this tornadoes at the edges of the thunderstorm.

2. Gustnados

Gustnadoes usually last for a short duration and the winds are slower than other varieties. They are clouds of residues or whorls of dust appear from roaring winds of thunderstorms.

3. Waterspouts

A tornado that builds over water is a waterspout tornado, and it nearly always disappears before it crosses the sea.

4. Supercell Tornadoes

A supercell tornado is born from a massive, devastating thunderstorm. Supercell Tornadoes are most prone to happen in OKC.

5. Dust Devils

Tornadoes that result from parched, sunny, serene weather conditions on dry land or desert are a type of dust devils. They always grow huge, in the late morning or early afternoon, when the sun is at its peak in the sky and warmest on the earth.

6. Firenadoes

Firenadoes also referred to as fire tornadoes, which are formed from the heat of eruptions from a volcano or major forest fires. Firenadoes will have winds of more than a speed of 100 mph and can have catastrophic ground and infrastructure impacts.

7. Colorful Tornadoes

Based on the physical conditions in which they form, tornadoes may take on many colors. Tornadoes emerging over the sea are blue or light white, while the snow makes mountainous tornadoes to be white.

8. Wedge Tornadoes

The wedge is greater in diameter than the distance between the ground and the cloud.

9. Shrouded Tornadoes

These are considered veiled tornadoes because due to their hidden shape, they are practically difficult to see.

10. Dissipating Tornadoes

When they vanish, dissipating tornadoes form in interesting shapes. When they take the shape of a very long tube or a funnel that resembles a rope, they are often called 'rope tornadoes.

Contact with EF5 Tornado Shelters

Storm shelter will play a decisive role to safeguard your family. We know how much you care about them. At EF5 in OKC, you will get various kinds of storm shelters, based on the severity. Call us or visit our website.