Want to Purchase Storm Shelter? Things You Must Consider

Do you remember the scene from the movie "twister?" tornado has already started to destroy houses? And. at the last moment, a family, including their pets, takes shelter in the residential storm shelters to save their lives. No doubt, it is a terrifying moment, but it is not very far from reality. It is the only way to save human lives from such devastating natural phenomena, especially in OKC.

Various companies sell storm shelters, but they are not qualified to give complete protection. That's why we have shared information you must know before purchasing them. Read on.

What Is a Storm Shelter?

Simply put, storm shelter is a type of shelter that can protect living beings from life-threatening climatic conditions. The experts also refer to the shelters as safe rooms. Before purchasing the storm shelters, you should verify whether they are FEMA verified.

What Are the Criteria Followed by FEMA?

  • The storm shelters must have structural integrity to resist flying debris and high-speed wind. No matter how strong the wind is, the shelter should not be collapsed at any cost.

  • The storm shelter should withstand any type of airborne debris and protect the people from it.

How Many Can Remain Inside the Storm Shelter?

You should also consider the number of people before buying storm shelters. Calculate the number of family members first and then add some more. It can be possible that during a storm you have guests in your house.

Therefore, you should be prepared for every situation. Determining the number of people will help you purchase the right shelter size. Also, you have to gather emergency supplies in the shelter, which need proper space.

What Are the Benefits of Storm Shelter?

  1. It is easily accessible

  2. You can protect your valuable belongings

  3. Customized shelter to fulfill the requirements of your family.

  4. Store supplies in the shelter for emergency purpose.

The Size of the Storm Shelter You Should Purchase

According to FEMA, you should calculate square feet for every person inside the storm shelter. You should purchase three sq. ft. per person for tornados for two family members.

In other residential dwellings, you must purchase a shelter that provides at least 10 sq. ft. for hurricanes and five sq. ft. per person for tornados. If you have a family member with disabilities, then 10 sq. ft. is necessary per person for tornados.

What Supplies Should You Stock in the Storm Shelter?

You must gather ample amounts of emergency supplies inside the storm shelters because you don't know how long you have to stay there. The following items are water, a first aid kit, a radio, nonperishable foods, batteries and flashlights. Apart from these, you should also consider to stock rain gear, food and gear for pets, change of clothing, sleeping bags, cash, credit cards and extra pair of glasses.

Protect Your Family

We know that you understand the importance of having a family. To protect our family, we can do anything. That's why the purchasing rate of such shelters is increasing day by day.

EF5 Tornado Shelters provide FEMA-approved storm shelters to their customers. We also have several options: below-ground garage shelter, below-ground concrete flat top, below-ground concrete slope front and above-ground shelters. Book us for your needs!