What Are the Essentials in a Storm Shelter?

What Are the Essentials in a Storm Shelter.jpg

If a severe storm strikes, your storm shelter should be fully packed with everything you'll need to keep everyone safe. This article offers advice on how to maintain your storm shelter stocked with all you and your family need!

  • Clothing

Unfortunately, you do not know how long you all will be stranded in your storm shelter when a storm strikes. As a result, having some additional clothes in the storm shelter is always a good idea. Pack a spare set of clothes for all in the family, as well as several extra jackets to store in the shelter.

  • Non-perishable foods and water

In your storm shelter, keep canned food and lots of bottled water. As previously stated, you never know how long you'll be stuck inside, so it has to be assured that your family is well fed for however long you'll be stuck inside.

  • Supplies for Pets

When a storm strikes, your dearly loved pet will, of course be there with you. Before you go to the shelter, make sure you leash them so they don't become scared and run away in the chaos. While waiting for the storm to end, make sure you have food, drink, and a safe spot for your pet to rest. If your pet is scared, have a thundershirt to help them relax throughout the storm.

  • Kit for First Aid

We expect and want you to stay injury-free. However, if someone is harmed, you should have a first aid kit on hand to treat the injured party. If you use the materials, make careful to restock the kit so you aren't short on supplies the next time you need them.

  • Flashlight

Keep some form of lighting in the storm shelter at all times. Because a flashlight is compact and easy to stow, it is a wonderful item to have in your storm shelter. Be sure you have spare batteries on hand so you're never without a source of illumination.

  • Radio

A radio is an excellent addition to your storm shelter because it will keep you updated on the storm's development. Keep it in the shelter and make sure you have plenty of additional batteries.

  • Provide Yourself with a Storm Shelter

It's comforting to know you have a safe location to stay safe with your family when storms strike. Come meet us at EF5 Tornado Shelters if you're seeking for a storm shelter to build in a home. We have a wide selection of excellent shelters, and being a storm shelter company we are confident that we will be able to find something that is a good match for you.