What Should You Do and Follow to Prepare for the Storm?

Living in storm-prone areas like OKC means there is no way out to save yourself during a tornado other than taking shelter in a safe room. Nowadays, people are aware of the fact that tornadoes can be life-threatening, and they should purchase or build storm shelters on their property to ensure full protection against natural phenomena. You may have bought a tornado shelter already, but do you know what to do and avoid once you are inside the shelter?

Inform Your Family About the Location

First of all, you need to inform your family about the location of the storm shelters. So, they can know where to go once a tornado hits. Keep in mind that every single member including the children must know where to meet, where the shelter is and what things they should grab before taking shelter.

Make a Plan

Without having a plan, your whole family can be vulnerable during a tornado. You should practice the plan a few times with your family members. You should act when a sudden tornado hits your area, and they need to follow the plan right now! This does not help your children to remember accurately but also detects minor faults which can be fixed later.

What Should You Put Up in the Shelter?

You should stock up an ample amount of non-perishable foods and water bottles in the shelter. Non-perishable food items can be granola bars, beef jerky, canned soup and ravioli, canned chicken and fish, formula and baby food along with trail mix.

In addition to this, don’t forget to put on work gloves, poncho, warm clothes and bike helmets to protect from falling debris. Apart from that, you should also gather toilet paper, trash bags, hand sanitizer, portable tissue packs and wipes for babies.

Ensure the Door is Fastened

Once everyone gets into storm shelters, you should make sure that the door is fastened securely. Keep in mind that having concrete shelter outside the house means you have to go there as early as possible to prevent any accidents. If you wait until the storm arrives, then you will be exposed to hail, wind, lightning, rain, and flying debris on the way to get to your shelter.

Ensure Full Safety During Tornado

If the safety of your family members is a top priority for you, then don’t take any risks at all. Invest your money in purchasing quality storm shelters for your protection. To learn about the suitable options, contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC.