What Should You Do in Extreme Weather Conditions?

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Natural disasters can occur anytime, especially from March to early June. You should locate a safe place for your family so when the danger hits, you can take shelter and ensure safety. If you live in tornado or hurricane-prone areas, then you should buy or build storm shelters.

Safety Tips during Severe Weather

  • You should listen and watch for weather updates to stay safe in any type of weather.

  • If you want to protect yourself during a tornado, then you should take any kind of warning regarding hurricanes, tornadoes seriously.

  • If you have an underground shelter, then get into it. If you do not have an underground shelter, then go to the lowest floor.

  • You may get injured because of falling debris. To prevent that use blankets, coats, pillows and helmets and protect yourself from the flying debris.

You Should Find Shelter during Extreme Weather Condition

  • If you are outside because of work or other reasons, get inside as soon as possible. After that, stay in the middle of the building if possible. You should avoid standing near windows and glass doors.

  • Avoid manufactured homes during extreme weather conditions because this type of home can be overturned easily and high wind can break the exterior and light frames.

  • Wherever you take shelter to ensure safety, do not forget to bring a disaster kit because it is one of the most essential elements during that time.

Storm Shelters

If you have an underground storm shelter, it is a good option to avoid storms. But nowadays above ground storm shelters are also popular. This type of safe rooms is built in schools, homes and other buildings. It protects you from flying debris. You can contact an expert to build a safe room or buy ready-made storm shelters in your house.

Other Ideas of Taking Shelter in a Safe Place

  • Bathroom

In case you don’t have any storm shelter, then you may take shelter in your bathroom. But make sure that the window doesn't have any outside wall and has no window.

  • Closets

You may also take shelter in the closet but it should be deep inside the building. If the closet has no outside wall or window, then it would be great. You should close the door and cover-up while taking shelter.

  • Under Stairs

If you have a place underneath a stairwell, then it can be used as a storm shelter. But remember that when you are hearing that a storm is coming, you should not leave your house at any cost. There is always a better chance of surviving if you stay inside your home. But accidents can happen and you have to follow the guideline as much as possible to prevent accidents.

Contact Us

If you buy storm shelters to protect yourself, then contact EF5 Tornado Shelters. They can customize the shelter according to your needs in OKC.