What to Choose – Underground or Above the Ground Shelter?

What to Choose – Underground or Above the Ground Shelter.jpg

Tornadoes are widespread, especially in the Midwest, and it's important to be prepared. Despite a 13-year low, 362 tornadoes were reported in the first half of 2018.

You should invest in a storm shelter to keep your family safe and secure. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between above-ground and below-ground storm shelters. We'll analyze the two options below to discover which the greatest fit for your needs is.

  • What are the benefits of an in-ground storm shelter?

Typically, in-ground shelters are placed in the yard or beneath the garage. They are not the same as a regular basement, despite the conceptual similarities.

Reinforced steel or concrete are used to construct underground storm shelters. The refuge is safe from severe winds and flying debris because it is underground.

In the past, conventional thinking held that in-ground shelters were the finest. However, recent study indicates that a subterranean shelter carries a variety of risks.

Underground shelter owners are most concerned about flooding. This is, in reality, a potentially lethal risk. When a storm brings severe rain or sudden flooding, several property owners have drowned.

When debris prevents the shelter doors from opening, there is also a substantial risk. The proprietors may be locked underground for long periods of time in these situations.

  • Are there better options for above-ground shelters?

Above-ground shelters have substantially improved in terms of survivability because to technological advancements. To begin with, many designs have a sliding door to save you from becoming imprisoned.

To reduce the possibility of becoming trapped, some shelters offer multiple exits. Above-ground units are also meant to be modular.

In the event that your living circumstances changes, they can be relocated or expanded. During a hurricane, modularity comes in useful. If all exits are blocked, residents can remove panels with the provided wrench and establish a new exit.

Above-ground shelters are thoroughly tested for water resistance. They also have air flow filters, which allow for enough oxygen levels to reach the shelter. These filters are also waterproof, which helps to maintain the shelter's environmental seal.

Above-ground shelters also have the advantage of being able to be placed both indoors and outside. These shelters are commonly found in garages, basements, and closets.

Underground shelters can be difficult to find at short notice in some instances. It is difficult to go underground in the yard when a tornado strikes unexpectedly. Above-ground shelters are placed in convenient, easy-to-reach areas.

  • Finally

Tornadoes are unfortunately common, and you must take precautions to safeguard your family. Storm shelters, both subterranean and above ground, provide some protection.

Above-ground shelters have become a practical choice for families thanks to technological advancements such as modular panels and waterproofing. Please contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelter for assistance if you are interested in acquiring an above-ground shelter.