Where Should You Take Shelter During the Storm?

If you notice a funnel cloud near your house suddenly, then you should take shelter as soon as possible. In addition, you should also inform others so that they can take shelter too. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), you have no guaranteed safety during the tornado, therefore, you should take the precaution steps very carefully. Otherwise, you may lose your life.

However, keep in mind that most deaths occur during the tornado because of flying debris. Consequently, whenever you notice an upcoming tornado in your locality, don’t waste time. You should seek shelter in the storm shelters with your family members immediately.

Find a Safe Place to Hide

If You Are in Home

If you are at home during the storm, then one of the best options is to take shelter in the storm shelters. There are various types of shelters available in the market - underground, aboveground, fortified interior room and prebuilt shelter.

You can build the underground storm shelters under the garage room of the house. You can also buy ready-made above-ground storm shelters and keep them inside the house. It is way safer than the underground storm shelter. You can build a fortified interior room on the ground floor when your house is under construction.

If You Are Outside

First of all, you have to find a building to take shelter. If you cannot find one, then you should lie in a low-lying area. You should use the arms to protect the neck and head. In addition, you also stay alert for flooding.

If You Are in Vehicle

  1. You should not outrun the vehicle during the storm at any cost.

  2. Do not use a highway overpass as a tornado shelter.

  3. If a tornado is far, then you should find a building immediately.

  4. Should delay the trip until the danger passes.

  5. Should be familiar with the area. You can also keep a highway map including county names and boundaries.

Find a Community Shelter

If you live in an apartment building or do not have any storm shelters in your house, then you should go to the community shelter if there is still time. You should not assume that the nearest tornado shelter will be open when the alert has been issued. You have to visit the Red Cross website and find the closest open tornado shelter.

After a Tornado

You should listen to the NOAA Weather Radio or news to get updated news about the storm. When the storm passes, you should contact the family members to check if they are all right. Apart from that, you should also check if there is any damage to your house. Moreover, do not forget to help your neighbor if they are injured and need emergency medical assistance.

Stay Safe

Many of us think that we can manage the tornado either way. But do not forget that tornadoes are not a game to play. You are risking your life by thinking that. Many people lose their lives due to their carelessness. Therefore, to save your life, you can contact EF5 Tornado Shelters to buy readymade shelters in Oklahoma.

Brandon Shavers