Which Is The Right Way To Choose Tornado Shelters In Edmond?

When bad weather threatens Edmond and OKC, having a safe storm shelter is essential. Every year, families face scary storms, and finding a safe place is very important. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about staying safe. This guide will help you understand how to choose tornado shelters that suit your needs.

Figuring Out What You Need

Before you start looking at tornado shelters, think about what you really need. How big is your family? How often do storms hit your area? How much can you spend? Remember, storm shelters are essential for safety in areas with lots of storms, but they can be expensive. Knowing what you need and your budget helps you make an intelligent choice.

Different Kinds of Tornado Shelters

There are several types of tornado shelters, each with its own benefits:

Underground Shelters

These are very strong and provide the best protection during big storms. They are built underground but need to be placed where they won’t flood.

Above-Ground Shelters

These are also strong and good for people who can’t use underground shelters. They are great if you can’t dig a hole for a shelter.

Safe Rooms

These are strong rooms in your house that can protect you from high winds and flying objects. They’re good for easy access and safety.

Choosing Strong Materials

The material of your storm shelter is very important. Most are made of strong steel or concrete, which helps them last long and stay strong in storms.

Where to Put Your Shelter

Where you put your tornado shelter in Edmond or OKC is just as important as the shelter itself. Underground shelters should be in places that don’t flood. Above-ground shelters need a strong foundation. Make sure your shelter is easy to get to in an emergency.

Meeting Safety Standards

Your storm shelter should meet FEMA guidelines and ICC-500 standards. This ensures that the tornado shelters are strong enough for extreme weather.

Good Air and Comfort

Your tornado shelter should have good airflow to keep you comfortable and safe, especially if you need to stay inside for a while.

Easy to Use

Everyone in your family should be able to get into the shelter quickly and easily, especially if they have trouble moving around.

Keeping It in Good Shape

It’s important to check your shelter regularly for any damage and fix it. This keeps it ready for when you need it.

Knowing the Rules

Different places in Edmond and OKC might have their own rules for tornado shelters. Make sure you know these rules and get any permits you need.

Getting Expert Advice

Choosing the right tornado shelter can be complicated, so it’s a good idea to ask experts for help. They can give you advice that fits your specific situation.

Your Safety with EF5 Tornado Shelters

Choosing the right tornado shelters in Edmond and OKC is really important. It keeps you and your family safe. EF5 Tornado Shelters can help you find the right shelter, whether it’s an underground one or an above-ground one. We offer good advice and quality shelters. Let us help you keep your family safe.