Why Mobile Houses are Dangerous During Tornadoes?

The seismic shift is causing a major change in the weather patterns, which is bringing up the problem of dangerous tornadoes, especially in the Midwest to the southeast. Mother nature is targeting the southerners these days and they are not properly equipped to handle everything.

Although the scientists are trying to figure out a sudden shift in the, they are suspecting that the oceanic temperature is one of the reasons behind the sudden attack of the tornadoes in the south. However, if you stay in mobile houses, then it is better to change it immediately.

Why Mobile Homes Are Not a Safe Option?

As per the National Weather Service, about 40 per cent of the tornado deaths took place due to mobile homes. It is important to understand that mobile homes are one of the most dangerous places especially if you are planning to take shelter during tornadoes. Out of all the options, one of the best places to take shelter in the basement of any house or interiors of any house is one of the best choices.

When it comes to mobile houses, you do not get this benefit as you will not get complete protection. The above-ground storm shelters withstand the destructive straight lines of the thunderstorms. On top of that, tornadoes have strong wind speeds that mobile homes cannot withstand. It is important to understand that the older mobile homes can withstand only 70mph wind speed. However, the mobile homes can be anchored but the anchoring standards vary from one state to another.

Things To Do If You Stay in Mobile Homes

If you are staying in a mobile house, it is better to prepare yourself in advance. Take precautions at least one hour before the threat of the tornadoes. Even if you are not under a watch, you must take proper precautions so that you and your family members can stay safe during the tornadoes.

  • Choose a Safe Place

During the time of social distancing, it is definitely not an easy task to get an open community space for getting shelter. Therefore, what you can do is find a friend or a relative who will give you space during the tornado. Look out for the sturdy spaces that can provide you with safe shelter. One thing you must keep in mind is to reach out ahead of time to get the available space in the shelter.

  • Search For a Safe House During Tornadoes

Make sure to find out a safe shelter, which is not an above ground storm shelter. Tornadoes cannot withstand heavy winds and mobile homes are definitely not a safe option during this time. No one can help you than EF5 Tornado Shelters in this case.