Why Should You Choose Underground Storm Shelters?

If you live in a storm-prone area like OKC, then you are well aware of the fact that storms ca n be life-threatening. You should take proper precautions to ensure the full protection of your family. You can buy the above-ground storm shelter or build underground storm shelters to save your life.

According to Oklahoma's tornado safety guide, the residents should go to an underground shelter before the storm hits the area. But the house does not build in that way because of high water tables and rocky soil conditions. If you don’t have any, then you should hide inside the interior room or close. But it is not effective if the storm hits the area severely.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends that people build storm shelters as soon as possible. There are various types of storm shelters available in the market such as above-ground and underground storm shelters.

Underground Storm Shelter

Generally, this type of storm shelter is made of reinforced steel or concrete. The experts install the shelter underneath a garage or underground in a yard. You can easily access the shelter when the storm hits your house. You don’t have to go outside in a dangerous situation. There are various advantages of this type of storm shelter. The following are:

  1. It is encased in steel to ensure maximum protection.

  2. You can store your valuable items there.

  3. You can customize the shelter.

Prebuilt Shelter

If you do not have any safe room, basement or underground storm shelters, then, in that case, you can purchase and install it inside your house. You can get various types of prebuilt shelter such as steel skeleton with steel panels, welded steel box and a prefabricated unit. It should be anchored to the foundation of the house. In case, you do not have any option available, then you should stay in interior hallways, closets and rooms to save yourself against the storm.

Test the Shelters before Buying

If you build a storm shelter, then make sure that the shelter is tested and approved for use. Keep in mind that the National Wind Institute tests most of the storm shelters at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. According to FEMA, you should keep a few important items in the storm shelter such as basic tools, blankets, some water, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, an emergency radio, batteries and dry food.

Contact Us

Do you want to ensure the full protection of your loved ones during the tornado? Then do not hesitate to buy or build storm shelters because only this item can save your life during the storm. You can also contact EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC to buy read-made shelters.