4 Unmatched Features of Above Ground Storm Shelter

Storm shelters are a must if you live in tornado-prone areas like OKC in the States. Living in these areas means getting hit by a devastating tornado becomes real anytime. This is also possible that you get confused about which one to buy - lower or above ground storm shelters? Though both the options are excellent choices, above ground is far better if you have specific conditions. We have broken down all the reasons in this article that have shown you why you should purchase an above-ground storm shelter.

According to researches, above ground is much safer than underground if you live in a flood-prone area. You also can access the above-ground more easily than underground during a storm.

Above Ground Shelter is Wind Resistant

The report has shown that the strongest wind was recorded at over 300 miles per hour. Keep in mind that the storm shelter should be engineered to withstand the devastating wind speeds. You should pay attention while anchoring the shelter to the ground. The experts use expanding bolts in quality shelters to anchor the shelter to a reinforced concrete slab.

Save Your Hard Earned Money

One of the best advantages of installing above ground storm shelter is securing the data and equipment. You don’t need to pull out all of your valuable assets and documents to another place. Just place these vital assets inside the shelter and get peace of mind.

Prevent Crush

Storms like hurricanes and tornadoes and demolish houses. Not only that but also toss heavy objects hundreds of feet. But having storm shelters protects you and your property from being crushed against storms and flying debris. Before purchasing, do not forget to ask the dealers if the above ground storm shelters have been tested for crush resistance.

Install the Storm Easily

This type of storm shelter is easier to install compared to below ground. There is no need to dig out a hole. You just have to find a clear place and anchor the shelter to the ground.

Install Shelter and Save Your Soul

You may know that above ground storm shelters can be used as a storage unit when it is not in use. This type of shelter has an extra protection layer that is not contained in the below-ground shelters. If you want to install higher quality tornado shelter, contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC.