How Can We Classify an Ef-5 Tornado?

An EF-5 tornado is one of the most dangerous and life-threatening natural phenomena that you don’t dare to experience. It became some of the most well-known disasters in history that caused the most damage. In general, the experts categorize tornadoes by the amount of damage and their wind speed with the help of a scale called the “Enhanced Fujita”. This scale is also known as the “EF'' scale.

We all know there are a few states in the U.S.A. including Edmond where tornadoes occur more often and sometimes the weather conditions change so drastically that they can also take people’s lives. It would be a wise decision if you install ef5 tornado shelters on your property to ensure the full protection of your family during the storms. Read this article to know how the experts classify tornadoes, especially the EF ones and what to do.

What are the 5 Levels of a Tornado?

●       EF0 and EF1- weak - Wind speeds of 65 to 110 mph.

●       EF2 and EF3 - strong - Wind speeds of 111 to 165 mph.

●       EF4 and EF5 - violent - Wind speeds of 166 to 200 mph or more.

What are the Signs That a Tornado May Occur?

●       Funnel-shaped cloud.

●       Dark greenish sky.

●       Falling debris.

●       Calm after a thunderstorm.

●       Continuous rumble.

●       High frequencies of in-cloud lightning.

How Do the Experts Classify the Rigor of EF-5 Tornado?

  • Intensity of storm

EF5 tornadoes are accompanied by hail, severe lightning, and strong winds even outside of the storm. Though the intensity is not the part of the tornado rating system the experts consider when predicting the rate of intensity in the weather forecast.

  • Wind Speed

The experts mainly categorize tornadoes by measuring their wind speed. You should know that an EF1 tornado comes with 65-85 mph, whereas an EF5 tornado is accompanied by 200 mph or more! Hiding inside an ef5 tornado shelter only can save your life during the storm. There is no other guaranteed way to escape the storm. Whatever happens, you should enter the EF5 tornado shelters to save your life and protect your valuable belongings.

  • Severe Damage

The places where the storm touches down also play an important role in rating a tornado. For example, if the storm touches down in a metropolitan area it may receive a higher rating than a tornado in a farm country because it can cause more damage there.

Ensure a Safe Spot for You!

Nowadays, we get information about an upcoming tornado through news channels or TV to save ourselves because of immense development in technology. We have the source and the safety measurement to secure ourselves.

Despite that, if we can’t ensure safety, then we would be responsible for the damages. If you want to remain safe during the devastating tornado, contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters to purchase a safe room in Edmond.