A 5 Factor Checklist for Buying a Storm Shelter

Situated smack in the middle of the United States’ temperamental tornado alley, Oklahoma people have a long history of dealing with storms. With April well on its way, tornado season is near. The threat of climate change looming ever closer has made us see some rather brutal storms over the last few years and they only keep getting worse. Under such circumstances, storm shelters have gained rapid popularity. Many Oklahomans have installed above or underground storm shelters.

What Is A Storm Shelter?

A storm shelter, simply put is a safe room to protect people against tornadoes, storms, high winds, and airborne debris. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a storm shelter is only considered safe if it can endure winds up to 250 mph and resist debris impact of up to 15 lbs at 100 mph.

Underground Storm Shelters

Underground tornado cellars have been in use for a long time now. These shelters are usually built underneath the yard. Many times, they also serve as an underground garage (you might have seen the word underground garage shelter floating around).

Underground safe rooms are built of reinforced concrete or steel. Being underground, the shelter is safe from flying debris and tremendous winds.

However, flooding can be a fatal risk in the case of in-ground shelters. Sometimes, the debris can block the shelter’s door from opening.

Above-ground Storm Shelters

Above-ground shelters are the newer variety. They have been through enough critique and speculation before studies proved that above-ground shelters can be just as safe as underground ones. You have the freedom to install these shelters anywhere. Closets and pantries are some popular options.

These safe rooms can also protect you against intruders.

What Should You Consider Before Buying A Storm Shelter?

  1. Compliance With FEMA Guidelines

    A storm shelter should abide by all regulations laid out by FEMA. A professional impact test goes even further to prove its credibility. Make sure the company you choose is transparent regarding their products’ certifications.

  2. Accessibility

    Accessibility is one of the biggest factors you should consider when building a storm shelter. Remember accessibility includes children, disabled people, and pets. Tornados don’t come knocking at the door. It is very important that the shelter can be accessed before any damage.

  3. Capacity And Expandability

    Another important factor is the size of the shelter. Fairly self-explanatory, if you are a bigger family find a shelter that comfortably houses all of you. Likewise, a small family will only need a much smaller shelter.

    Today, many of these modular shelters also have an option to expand the existing structure. You can install extra panels to grow the space.

  4. Emergency Storage

    A shelter should have provision for emergency storage in case of the storms develops into a dire natural calamity. You should be able to store food, clothes, a first aid kit, documents, and other essentials.

  5. Relocation

    Modular shelters can be relocated if you are moving homes. It is not ideal to invest thousands of dollars building a storm shelter only to have to leave it behind while relocating. You will have to dish out a few extra dollars for a modular shelter, but it is going to be a good investment in the long run.

Protect Yourself and Those You Hold Dear With EF5 Tornado Shelters

We know you would never compromise with the safety of your loved ones. As the company you depend on to entrust the responsibility of their wellbeing, we promise our products and services will never let you down.

To know more, visit our showroom in Oklahoma City or simply give us a call at 405-509-6888.