Building Your Own Storm Shelter in Your Backyard

If you are a resident of Oklahoma, you will know about the tornados and violent storms that are quite frequent in this area. You must also know about the Oklahoma storm shelters that protect you and your family from the devastating storm winds. You should never take storm protection lightly when living in a tornado alley. It is extremely important for you to be prepared so that you can protect yourself from the flying debris, lightning, and high-speed wind.

You can obviously take shelter in the concrete safe homes. Some of you may just want to stay in your own house during the storms. Unfortunately, not all houses are built for providing protection against tornado winds. You can definitely create a storm shelter in your house. Here are the things that you should follow:

Fix the Shelter to the Ground

The strong tornado winds have the capacity to uproot houses. Hence, if you are going to build Oklahoma storm shelter, you need to make sure that the shelter is fixed with the ground properly. Make sure to build a concrete base on which you can build your own shelter.

You can contact the local construction company in your area that has experience in building such shelters. Talk to the contractor about reinforcing concrete base for your storm shelter. You can choose your backyard to build the concrete base on which you will be able to erect the safe house. Make sure to maintain a safe distance from your house.

Strong Exterior

If you have ever taken shelter in a poor safe house, you would already have experienced the damage that the shelter has gone through from the flying debris. The strong tornado winds can make metal rooftops, billboards, and even small cars fly around. If the exterior of your tornado shelter is not strong enough to withstand the flying wreckage, you cannot expect to be safe inside it.

Apart from building a strong exterior, you also need to pay attention to the insulation of the storm shelter that you are building. The storm may cause the thermometer to drop significantly and you need to be prepared for the change in weather. Also, the multi layered insulation can help in absorbing shocks better keeping you safe.

While it is not a piece of cake to build your own storm shelter, it is not impossible either. You should get in touch with professional safe home builders such as EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC.