Above Ground Storm Shelters: The Ultimate Tornado Protection

Are Above Ground Storm Shelters Safe?

Tornadoes are one of the most destructive forces of nature. They can cause damage to properties and take lives. One of the best options available is tornado shelters. Keep reading why above ground storm shelters are safe and why most residents in Edmond consider installing them in their homes.

What are Above Ground Storm Shelters?

Above ground storm shelters are structures designed to withstand the force of a tornado. They are usually made of concrete or steel and can be installed in a garage or outdoors. These shelters can keep you safe during a storm and have ventilation, lighting, and other essential amenities.

Why are Above Ground Tornado Shelters Safe?

Above ground storm shelters are safe for several reasons, including:

They can withstand the force of a tornado-

Above ground storm shelters are designed to withstand the force of a tornado. They comprise durable materials such as concrete or steel, which can withstand the impact of debris and wind. That means you and your loved ones can stay safe during a tornado.

They are easily accessible-

Tornado safe rooms are easily accessible, so you can quickly get to safety during a storm. Unlike underground shelters, above ground storm shelters don't require climbing down a ladder, which can be challenging for some people.

They offer more space-

Above ground storm shelters offer more space than underground shelters. It means you and your loved ones can stay comfortable during a storm. Above ground shelters can also be used as multi-purpose rooms when not in use during a storm.

You can customize It-

Tornado shelters can be customized to fit your specific needs. For example, you can install a pet door. You can also have shelves or benches installed to provide more storage space.

Tornado shelters are cost-effective-

Above ground storm shelters are generally more cost-effective than underground shelters. The installation process is usually quicker and more accessible, which means you can save on installation costs. Above ground shelters also require less maintenance than underground shelters.

They meet safety standards-

Some of the best tornado shelters meet safety standards set by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). These standards ensure that the shelters are safe and effective in protecting against tornadoes.

Why Should You Consider Installing an Above Ground Storm Shelter in Your Edmond Home?

Edmond, Oklahoma, is located in the heart of Tornado Alley, which means that tornadoes are a real threat to the area. Installing an above ground storm shelter in your Edmond home can provide peace of mind knowing that you and your loved ones have a safe place to go during a tornado.

In addition, an above ground storm shelter can add value to your home. It's a great selling point for potential buyers looking for a home with a safe place to go during a storm.

Another reason tornado shelters in Edmond are prevalent is that tornadoes can strike anytime. You may need more time to evacuate your home during a storm. Having shelter on your property can mean the difference between life and death.

EF5 Tornado Shelters - Your Ultimate Tornado Shelter Solution

Invest in the ultimate protection with EF5 Tornado Shelters - the safest and most reliable above ground storm shelters available in Edmond. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your installation.