Surviving the Storm: Investing in Shelters Is Paramount

Tornadoes in Oklahoma are one of nature's most destructive forces, capable of leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These violent storms are capable of destroying entire towns, uprooting trees and causing significant damage to infrastructure.

In addition to the physical destruction, tornadoes can also have severe environmental impacts that can linger long after the storm has passed.

For this reason, it's essential to consider investing in the best tornado shelters in OKC to protect yourself and your loved ones.

What is a Tornado?

A tornado is a rapidly rotating air column extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. These storms can occur anywhere in the world, but they are most common in the United States, particularly in the central region known as Tornado Alley.

Tornadoes cause damage due to the powerful winds they carry and the debris they pick up and throw around. The most severe tornadoes can have wind speeds of up to 300 mph, making cars fly and demolish homes, while the shattered debris can become deadly projectiles.

During a tornado, the main danger for living beings, including humans, is the possibility of being thrown around in the wind or hit by flying debris. Although rare, there are accounts of tornadoes causing a trench with a depth of three feet by blowing dirt.

With the advancements in Doppler radar technology, it has become feasible to identify a tornado's winds using radar in specific situations. Moreover, radar can detect the debris a tornado carries in some instances.

Nonetheless, humans still play a vital role in detecting tornadoes, as not all occur in conditions where the radar can detect them. Hence, investing in a durable tornado shelter will be beneficial in the long run.

Severe Environmental Impacts of Tornadoes

Loss of Human Life

Tornadoes can be deadly, causing loss of life and injury to those in their path. The wind speeds of a tornado can reach up to 200 mph, making it virtually impossible to survive if caught in the storm without adequate shelter.

Loss of Vegetation

A tornado significantly damages vegetation, uprooting trees and destroying crops and can have long-term impacts on the environment, leading to soil erosion and decreased biodiversity.

Huge Economic Loss

The economic impacts are devastating, with damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure costing billions of dollars in repairs and recovery efforts.

Exposed Household Waste

Severe tornadoes can also expose household waste, including hazardous materials such as chemicals and asbestos, which can pose a health risk to those exposed.

Lightning Disaster

Tornadoes also arrive with lightning, which can cause fires and further damage the environment. Choose a more robust tornado shelter to protect yourself in your hours of need.

Severe Forest Fire

The strong winds of a tornado can fan the flames of an existing forest fire, making it difficult for firefighters to contain and extinguish.

Contaminated Environment

Tornadoes can cause environmental pollution, spreading pollutants and debris over a wide area.

Piled up Asbestos Debris

Tornadoes can also scatter asbestos-containing materials, posing a significant health risk upon inhalation.

Ecosystem Destruction

A tornado destroys entire ecosystems, altering the landscape and causing long-term environmental impacts.

Flash Floods

Flash floods occur due to tornado storms and can lead to further damage and loss of life.

Psychological Consequences

Tornadoes can have a significant psychological impact on individuals, causing fear, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Hence, keep your tornado shelter ready to deal with anxiety disorders due to the destructive storm.

Bottom Line

Tornadoes are a force of nature that can cause significant damage to both human lives and the environment. Investing in a storm shelter is an intelligent choice with these storms' increasing frequency and intensity.

EF5: Your Storm-Proof Home

EF5 Tornado Shelters offers a range of high-quality tornado shelters in OKC designed to withstand the most severe storms.

Our shelters are made from durable materials and are designed to be easy to install and use. You can customize the shelter to meet your needs.

Accommodate two to twenty people anywhere during the hour of a severe storm. With a shelter, you can have peace of mind knowing that you and your loved ones are safe from the destructive power of tornadoes.

Don't wait until it's too late – contact us today to learn more about our stormproof shelters.