Best Qualities to Look For in a Storm Shelter

Best Qualities to Look For in a Storm Shelter.jpg

Storm shelters are one of the best ways to protect your lives when a dangerous natural phenomenon passes over your property. Are you thinking about installing a storm shelter? Then you should read the following points about the good, the bad, and the ugly about them.

How Strong Should a Storm Shelter Be?

All storm shelters in the Oklahoma state area should exceed, or at least meet the FEMA 320 standard. This standard describes a shelter capable of withstanding an F5 or greater tornado, so you are best protected in this short of deep underground bunkers.

How Long Does It Take to Install a Storm Shelter?

It generally takes 3 to 4 hours at most to install the underground shelter. When you need safe rooms, you should provide an additional 1-2 hours for installing them.

Does A Storm Shelter Have Electricity?

You can have ports built into the shelter for electricity, of course. But we highly discourage this for two reasons. One, there is a high chance something will go wrong in the middle of a tornado and electricity is one of the most dangerous things to be around when that happens. Two, mMost probably you would not have supply in the mains during the event. Better opt for battery operated lights and instruments.

What If a Tree Or Something Falls on Top of the Shelter Door and Traps Them in?

Most of the modern storm shelters are equipped with a GPS locator and a radio. Do share your location to your local fire and medical departments. If you are in any distress or can’t get out, you can radio anywhere for help.

Does A Storm Shelter Have Room for Pets?

Generally they do. Pets are very important family members and there should be facilities in the shelters for them as well. As it is kind of like a fire drill, also train your pets to get in and out of the shelter in an emergency. Or you may want to use carriers for smaller pets.

How to Prepare the Place for a Storm Shelter Installation?

Not much. Most of the work of installing storm shelters is done by the crew. All you have to do is to clear the area of any debris and trees and other stuff that may prove to be a hindrance. Not to mention, the area has to be free of any utility lines — above or below.

Ensure Protection for Your Family

You may want to buy modern and suitable storm shelters for you and your family. Don’t worry about anything and call EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC. They have various types of shelters and can provide the most suitable one for you.