How to Stay Prepared for a Sudden EF5 Tornado?

How to Stay Prepared for a Sudden EF5 Tornado.jpg

On the Enhanced Fujita scale, EF5 tornadoes are the most powerful. Winds gusting to 200 miles per hour or higher. As a result, they have the power to level entire houses and launch automobiles and other large items into the air. Tornadoes with an EF5 rating can cause structural damage to even enormous high-rise buildings. If you live in a location where tornadoes occur, you must take precautions to keep safe or built an EF5 tornado shelter. Here's how to get ready for an EF5 tornado.

Recognize the Warning Signs of the Environment

To prepare for tornadoes, you'll need to be able to recognize the environmental warning signs that indicate when one is on its way. Here are some things you could notice just before a tornado strikes:

  • A loud roaring sound in the air, akin to the sound made by a moving freight train.

  • A change in the sky's color, such as a darkening or a green tinge.

  • Severe hail, with each piece of hail being larger than usual.

  • Debris that falls from the sky in large chunks.

  • A circling cloud of debris rotating close to the ground (this can indicate where a tornado is about to occur, even if it isn't yet obvious.)

  • After a big thunderstorm, there is a brief period of silence with no wind.

  • A black cloud funnel that reaches for the ground.

Instead of being caught off guard by an approaching tornado, you can respond effectively if you see any of these symptoms, or a combination of them.

Make an emergency supply kit

Tornadoes can do so much damage that you may lose access to food and other necessities for a period of time. As a result, putting together an emergency kit is an important part of how to prepare for EF5 tornadoes. Food and water, basic first-aid supplies, additional batteries and flashlights, and needed toiletries and prescription should all be included in this kit. Food and water should be stored in sufficient quantities to last at least three days for you and your family. Choose canned or packaged foods that will not spoil if left out for an extended period of time. You can also put your radio in the emergency kit, as well as some additional clothes items. You can better handle a tornado crisis if you have all of these supplies on hand.

Construct a Robust Storm Shelter

Storm shelters are necessary structures to have in your home or building since they will protect you better than a regular room. EF5 tornado shelters can be installed above ground, making them highly adaptable to various building layouts. We put our tornado shelters through extensive impact testing at Texas Tech University's National Wind Institute to ensure that they can survive winds of up to 250 miles per hour. They meet or exceed the National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) requirements for EF5 tornadoes, as well as FEMA and the International Code Council (ICC) standards. You'll be well-prepared for any future tornadoes thanks to their powder-coated and robust carbon steel design. Our above-ground EF5 tornado shelters are also made in the United States. This guarantees that we can maintain them to the highest building standards, which is crucial since they can mean the difference between life and death for those who use them.