Comparing the Above-Ground and Underground Storm Shelters

People residing in OKC understand the importance of safety room installations. But what about the ones who neglect the safety precaution? Well, they have to deal with the life-threatening consequences of severe storms. Whether it’s above ground or underground storm shelters, you and your loved ones require the promise of protection.

It looks like tornadoes are in a forever-ready mood to visit places like OKC. These stormy disasters leave no signs of arrival until the right time comes. And when they hit the area, the only option left is to take immediate protection. When situations take such a drastic turn, storm shelters become your only hope. But which is the best option to choose between above-ground and underground storm shelters? Let EF5 Tornado Shelters assist you in making a wise decision.

Comparing the Basic Information

The construction of above-ground storm shelters occurs with the help of concrete. These safety rooms have the potential to maintain your safety during weather fluctuations. Now, let’s explore the other side of the story. As the name suggests, underground storm shelters follow the installation process in the basement. These are also highly beneficial for protecting people from terrifying tornadoes.

Having a Look at the Advantageous Facts

  • Starting with In-Ground Shelters- These safety rooms can save square footage (helping you transform your basement into a secure spot.)

  • The ones such as garage units are a great addition to your property.

  • These underground storm shelters are good at enhancing your home’s overall value. (If you reside in a tornado-oriented place like OKC and need to sell your property, this shelter will multiply your property’s value.)

  • Although these shelters might cost significant bucks, it’s worth investing in a life-saving installation.

  • You can let the fear of flying debris, lightning, and high winds rest in peace.

  • Gazing at Above-Ground Shelters- One can move these shelters anywhere (including your closets and pantries.)

  • They are highly reliable for family members in terms of accessibility and ease.

  • What about the safety of disabled members? Do not worry, as they come with trustworthy FEMA approval.

  • They also act as panic rooms during any criminal activity or intrusion.

Are You Having a Protective Mindset?

The problem with some people is that they delay the action despite knowing the possible consequences. And that makes them repent later. The wise ones understand the importance of protecting their friends and families. Hence, they connect with the most trusted professionals of EF5 Storm Shelters to begin the installation. Do you have a safety mindset?