Keep Your Pets Safe amid a Tornado with these 5 Tips

Given Edmond’s reputation with tornadoes, there is no way to say when the next one will hit. While humans can usually fend for themselves, animals do not have that luxury. Pets left behind in a storm can suffer terribly. They often end up with grave injuries and sometimes, god forbid, may even die.

It doesn’t matter if you have been a pet owner forever or are a new pet parent; it is your moral responsibility to take care of them and protect them during an emergency.

Spare yourself the misery of losing your beloved pet and take preventive measures against a natural disaster.

Live in a Tornado Prone Area? Here is What You Can Do To Keep Your Pets Safe.

#1 Microchip All Your Pets and Put an Identification Tags Around Their Necks

Identifying your pets is the single most important thing you can do to ensure that they are safely returned to you in case you are separated. The collar must include a tag with their name and the owner’s contact information. It must be fastened well. Also, make sure that the tag is legible and that the contacts are current. You must also include a secondary phone number in case the service goes down in your area.

Microchips are safer since collars may come off in strong winds. The tags and contact info, too, may bleed ink or get damaged beyond legibility.

#2 Make Sure Your Pets Are Indoors Immediately After the Warning Airs

Once the local channels air their tornado warning, round up your pets and keep them indoors. Lock doors and windows. This way, if the storm gets bad enough, you will be able to move to a safe location without losing valuable time.

#3 Train Your Pets, Practice taking them to Your Tornado Shelter

It is a common occurrence for pets to become frightened and run away or hole themselves up in hideouts to escape from bad weather. To avoid this, you should train them. Every few months, have a drill where you leash your dogs and crate your cats and take them to the basement or the tornado shelter. As a result, when a real storm strikes, your pets will know what to do.

EF5 Tornado Shelters provides storm shelters that are secure, trusted, and spacious enough to keep you and your loved ones (including pets) safe.

#4 Use a Pet Carrier for Small Animals

Invest in a pet carrier and practice putting your small pets inside it. Pet carriers are also a great way to take them out with you. Animals sometimes get scared and agitated when put inside carriers. Practicing with one regularly enough can help take care of the anxiety.

#5 Relocate Your Caged Buddies to a Safe Room During the Storm

If you have rabbits, birds, hamsters, or reptiles as pets, move their cages to a safe shelter. Basements or windowless rooms work just as well. For Aquariums that can’t be moved, try placing it under a table or covering it with a large thick mattress or blanket.

FEMA-Approved Safe Rooms from EF5 Tornado Shelters

Protect yourself and your pets with FEMA-approved storm shelter from EF5 Tornado Shelters. Voted the best storm shelter company in Edmond and OKC for four years in a row, we also offer first responder, military, and veteran discounts to our patrons. Visit our showroom or get in touch via our website.