How to Build Customized Underground Storm Shelters for Your Family

Building customized underground bunkers became a popular practice during the cold war. People prepared to make bunkers as soon as possible because the threat of nuclear war was imminent. The craze for underground bunkers returned during the covid 19 pandemic.

You can easily purchase readymade underground storm shelters, but they may not fulfill your requirements. What will you do then to protect your family?

If you start building the bunker from now on, it will meet all of your needs during an emergency.

It is especially true for Oklahoma because this state goes through multiple storms and tornados every year. In this article, we have discussed how to build underground storm shelters in Oklahoma.

What Is the Bunker-Making Procedure?

Collecting permits ensure everybody is safe during the project. Starting work without any permits can put you in dangerous situations, including going to jail. Collecting building, grading, plumbing, electrical, and discretionary licenses are essential.

Select a Particular Location

After getting the permits, you must select your bunker's location. It should be someplace which is safe and private. You should avoid a place close to water bodies because these places are more prone to floods that damage the structural integrity of your bunker.

Make a Blueprint

Before building anything, the experts make a blueprint of the structure to prevent damage. Creating a blueprint is essential to ensure the bunker’s security and safety.

After you have decided where to build the bunker, calculate the area correctly. We recommended keeping five to 10 square feet per person for hurricane or tornado shelters approved by FEMA.

Install Essential Features

You should determine how to use the underground storm shelters before building them. Pay attention to these features while building your customized bunker - include a water filter, ventilation system to get fresh air, a power source, and waterproofing of the cabin to avoid leakages.

Prioritize Your Family

Many people laugh when they hear about underground bunkers. They think a thin roof layer can protect them against devastating mother nature. During emergencies, when nature is intent on destroying everything in its path, underground storm shelters can be your only ray of hope. Contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters in Oklahoma to purchase a FEMA-approved bunker for your family.