Concrete or Steel Strom Shelter: What Should You Choose?

storm shelters okc

Protecting your family is of the utmost necessity when unexpected natural disasters appear. If you live in an unpredictable climate like OKC, then to ensure the safety of your family, you must consider a storm shelter. But don’t make a decision about storm shelters on your own. Consult the experts.

There are two types of storm shelters: concrete and steel. Understanding the difference between these two types will help you choose the right shelter for your family’s needs.

What are the pros and cons of these two types of shelters?

Which material makes the most sense?

A concrete storm shelter is likely to be the cheaper option. However, concrete can be brittle which could lead to cracking and crumbling after exposure to inclement weather. Concrete is also less effective against flying debris.

A steel-construction shelter will be more expensive initially, but there’s no better material to protect your shelter’s integrity from the elements. There is no chance the weather will undermine the integrity of your shelter.

storm shelters okc

Above-ground or underground?

When most people picture a storm shelter, they imagine a concrete bunker underground. An underground shelter can still be a good option, but Oklahoma’s red clay makes it difficult.

Above-ground shelters, however, reduce the chances of collapse or flooding while increasing the likelihood of rescue and escape. Rescue teams can more easily find an above-ground shelter without special equipment or long delays.

Indoor or outdoor?

Typically, storm shelters are installed outside. The depth and weight of the material simply makes an indoor install impractical. However, [storm shelter companies] like EF5 Storm Shelters now offer options that can be used in either indoor or outdoor areas.

EF5 Tornado Shelters to the rescue!

Let a storm shelter put your mind at ease. Trust EF5 with a quick installation and maximum protection from storms. Contact us now to book your slot!